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Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:27:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Steve Schultz <se2schul@st*.ma*.uw*.ca*>
To: adrian scothern <ady@no*.fs*.co*.uk*>
cc: George Irvine <kirvine@sa*.ne*>,
     "" ,
     Chris Tibble
Subject: Re: Isolating Manifold Question

I've found a real comfortable way to drive.  I don't wear my seatbelt.
I've been doing ever since I learned to drive.  It hasn't hurt me yet, so
it must be the right way.  I think everyone should drive without wearing a

Get the point?


On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, adrian scothern wrote:

>   Well, i've been diving with the ISO two half turns , since having a twin
set!, and proberley 3/4 OF Europe dive's The BullShit Paranoia Way, I'm Sorry
that i've No Idea about Diving OH DEMI GOD OF THE UNDERWATER WORLD  
>   -- Original Message ----- 
>     From: George Irvine 
>     To: adrian scothern ; Chris Tibble ; 
>     Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 11:19 AM
>     Subject: Re: Isolating Manifold Question
>     And what bullshit paranoia do you attribute the "two half turns "  to?
This is the kind of mindless crap that gets people killed. I will say right
here and now that you can come up with no reason to do something that stupid
that makes any sense what so ever. Give it a try.
>       ----- Original Message ----- 
>       From: adrian scothern 
>       To: Chris Tibble ; 
>       Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 7:04 PM
>       Subject: Re: Isolating Manifold Question
>       I have the ISO two half turn's on, and I think the key is to , Know
your kit inside out, I've sat in the dark , in full kit for over 30 hours
,every new bit of kit , i go through the same process, and Do know my current
config  Insideout , the wife finds this highly amusing if/when she walks in .
same goe's for inwater training dives .
>       ady
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: Chris Tibble 
>         To: 
>         Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 6:28 PM
>         Subject: Isolating Manifold Question
>         Just a quickie. I'm just about to buy my first twinset with a
manifold. I've dived twins before, independents because of fiscal reasons (I'm
a poor student!) What I need to know is this. Some of the people I have talked
to who dive manis only open their iso knob about 1/2 a turn, whilst others open
it all the way. Thinking about it I can see advantages and disadvantages to
>         All the way
>         Adv:         No risk of turning wrong way
>         Disadv:     May get stuck if turned on all way
>                         Have to turn it 3 turns (or whatever)
>         Part way
>         Adv:        V fast way of isolating
>         Disadv:    Can turn it the wrong way 
>                        Not having it open all the way may limit equalisation
across the manifold.
>         Now any or all of this may be unmitigated rubbish, but it's just what
I was thinking about last night.
>         Any comments/suggestions as to how best to do it?
>         As this is my first post, go easy on me - I'm still learning!
>         Many thanks,
>         Chris
>         --
>         It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that

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