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From: "Esse" <enordesjo@ho*.co*>
To: <>
Subject: Re: DUI CLX VS TLS
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:37:25 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: "Max" <max@xd*.co*>

> A zippered pocket will never open on it own, never collect sand, the flap
> does not get pushed inside when routing deep, i cannot tell if the Velcro
> closed with dry gloves, I have never had a zippered pocket jam.

Sand and zippers dont mix in my experince. They also freeze during icediving
(on surface). Zippers are fudgy to operate with proper dry gloves (for
really cold water)
Velcro is the way to go IMHO.
Best regards

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