burna nitrile is ok in a low pressure enviroment but should be avoided on the high pressure side. viton orings ar more durable and more o2 compatable and regardless of color are quite easy to identify. Viton orings are denser than the nitril counterparts, a simple test can be performed, after a while you will be able to perform this test without a reference.. to test for a viton oring you need a known viton or burna nitrile o ring (approx same size as unknown), drop both in a glass of water, the viton oring will sink noticibly faster.. http://www.geocities.com/padiscubapro/index.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------- Get your free email from AltaVista at http://altavista.iname.com -- Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `techdiver@aquanaut.com'. Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `techdiver-request@aquanaut.com'.
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