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Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 00:49:57 -0500
From: max <max@xd*.co*>
To: Trey <trey@ne*.co*>
CC: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Subject: Thanks Trey

Thanks Trey
I was one of the guys that came out swinging at you and all things DIR. Giving
up on every thing you believe from 20 years of stroke diving is very hard. I was
so cock sure that you were full of shit and i knew it all . TDI, IANTD, and PADI
did the initial programming you did the deprogramming and reality is harsh. Your
poison pill attitude slap in the face persistent and constant simple approach
was what was needed other wise i would have written you off. And if it was not
for you and your buddies on here week after week pounding the same consistent
DIR message hard, DIR would have been watered down by now and forgotten.
Hogarthian may have been around for a while but you are the father of DIR.

Your efforts are appreciated and it does make a difference.

Max out

PS: Maybe we could extend the DIR Attitude to include Anti fresh water wreck
stripping. Only an idiot stroke would see the value in taking home a old spoon
or  dead eye only to have it rot and get tossed in the garbage 3 weeks later.
Technical diving is opening up new wrecks once to deep for conventional diving.
But these new wrecks are being picked over in record pace by the stroke
vultures. This has got to stop. My attitude on this is simple if its gold,
silver or diamonds take it otherwise leave it alone.

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