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From: "Don Burke" <donburke56@ne*.ne*>
To: <>
Subject: Fw: rec trimix
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:30:09 -0400

 Comments scattered within

 Don Burke
Chesapeake, Virginia

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Scott <scottk@hc*.co*>

 S> I hate to rain on your parade, but, you are way out in left field on

 I think not.

 S> Mixes like 25/35 are safer than air, to the MOD. Period.

 Actually, it was the 32/30 and the mysterious "36 trimix" that changed my

 You are assuming that the tank will contain the gas advertised.  Hell,
getting decent _air_ to a newbie is iffy enough.  Trimix for the masses
needs some sort of breakthrough to fly.

 What did you think I meant by "The mixes discussed here _have_potential_
 use by _properly_trained_ divers." ?:

 S> Its easier to decompress from, easier on the bod, and the safety of the
dive is improved.

 It is also faster to load the tissues.

 The idea was no-stop diving.

 The little bit of underwater helium deco that would actually happen on a no
 stop dive would be a minor player in damage to the body.

 Having a trimix version of a "resort course" where an OW certified diver
would be _with_ the divemaster has possibilities as would a Nitrox/Trimix
course instead of the current Nitrox course.

 Turning OW divers loose on the world with tanks of "magic stuff" is an
incident looking for a location.

 Have you ever been in a shop with air you didn't trust?  I have.

 Don Burke
Chesapeake, Virginia

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