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Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 13:29:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carlos S <castank@ya*.co*>
Subject: RE: Wings advice
Thanks for all of your answers were all very helpfull.
Here is what I understood:
-A single wing will not do well both jobs. So one for
singles and another one for doubles is the way to go.
-Halcyon appears to be more quality made. (that's from
the users point of view and for the description in the
halcyons web page)
-I dont plan to dive steel tanks or stages in the near
future, so Ill probably stick with the 45lb.
Best Regards
Hi list,
I am assembling a SS BP with DIR harness to be used
with doubles and single Al80s and a 3 to 6 mm wet
suit. I am considering Halcyon explorer and DiveRite
Trek wings (both 45lb).
Being a little biased towards the Trek wings because
they have two straps, so the wings dont wrap around a
single tank. Of course I dont want a "bondage wing"
I would appreciate your advise.

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