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From: <billy@bd*.co*.au*>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 09:51:59 +1000
Subject: Re: DIR talk vs DIR diving
At 06:03  14/07/00 , ScottBonis@ao*.co* wrote:
>This report came from rec. scuba.  I thought it was significant enough to 
>repeat it here.

A good heads-up on the existence of strokes in DIR clothing.
It's a pity Randy doesn't name names. Especially the name of 
the "trimix instructor, and... instructor trainer" who "does 
not have one iota of a clue as to any mixed gas decompression 
procedures or even HOW to cut a decompression table." These
people should be run out of any professional involvement with

Naming names would be truly useful here.

rgds billyw

>Subject: Dive Expediton to the Twilight Zone
>From: "Randy F. Milak" <A HREF="mailto:milak@di*.zz*.co*">milak@divemed.zz
>Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2000 1:33 PM
>Message-id: <396E2784.27529BEB@di*.zz*.co*>
>      This past week, I had the displeasure of being invited to take
>part, in a grossly incompetent archaeological expedition. The expedition
>was to film the degradation of a wreck in Lake Superior, that lies in
>270 ffw.  All divers, save myself and a colleague were self proclaimed
>DIR's.  Some even boosted Tee-shirts that read "Doing-it-Right",
>"Friends don't let friends breath the short hose." etc.
>      We could have dove 7 days, however, in 3 days on three dives I had
>had enough and, my buddy and I left.  Why I stayed even 3 days bewilders
>me.  This is just a SHORT list of what I observed.
>Day one.
>1.  NO emergency plan EVER discussed - period!
>2.  We were told that 2 chambers were on stand-by and a CCG helicopter
>was on stand-by for our dive time duration's.  I phoned one of the
>chamber to confirm.  They never knew or heard a thing. When confronted
>by this enlightenment, we were told that there's obviously some
>mistake.  I politely suggested that the organizers exaggerated their
>preparedness.  They replied with a smirk.  We phoned the closet chamber
>back...they were MORE than happy to accommodate.
>3.  Diver rescue plan was BOGUS.  A 2 year old could have came up with a
>better solution.  NO ONE save my buddy and I bothered to inform the boat
>captain of the run-times and emergency protocol required for this level
>of diving.
>3.  Surface supply O2 was used for the 20 ffw and up decompression
>stops.  However, All but a few DIR divers carried only 1/2 the amount of
>oxygen necessary to complete decompression if they failed to make it to
>the decompression platform.  When confronted with this obvious
>shortfall, DIR Diver D, responded that they had RMV's below 0.2 cubic
>feet / min. and thats "why" they actually had enough deco gas.
>"BULLSHIT!!" was my response!  Had an emergency bail-out been necessary
>by ANY of those divers, the latter, combined with the Mickey-Mouse diver
>rescue plan, would amount to nothing less than a wheel chair purchase.
>      Water temp at the bottom, 38 F at 270 ffw, and gradually (no
>thermoclines) increased to a balmy 47 F around 20 ffw.  The top 1-2 feet
>of surface water is 59 F.  Vis is 9-20 feet.  Ambient light stops around
>60 ffw.  Surface is dead calm, no waves.  All divers diving TMX 14/50
>bottom mix (14% oxygen, 50 helium, balance N2).  EAN 35 and 100% O2 for
>decompression.  (EAN 50 staged at 70 ffw).  Mostly teams of 3, just 1
>team of 2.  Dive team, dive times are staggered 45 minutes apart to ease
>crowding during staged decompression.
>      The first team to descend is DIR dive team 1, a threesome (Divers
>A, B, and C).  They have NO dive plan.  The leader of DIR Dive team one,
>has only ONE decompression profile with him -- a decompression profile
>for only 57 of decompression from a 20 minute bottom time at 260 ffw;
>which is no less than 14 minutes shorter than anything, everyone else
>has calculated for the same. He is told this by every other diver on the
>boat.  Diver B, responds with "...fuck-it, I ain't dead yet".  ALL, in
>dive team one, followed that asinine deco profile.  NOT one of them can
>dress themselves and ALL need help to put on their gear.  None of them
>conduct a leak test upon entering the water.  None of them check out
>each of their team mates for anything - period.  Dive team 1 isn't too
>sure what their dive depth is going to be ... upon entering the water,
>they "think" around 260 ffw for 20 minutes.  In the water, at the
>descent line, they argue about who is going to descend first.  
>      Diver A surfaces 75 minutes later.  Diver A vomits upon reaching
>the surface, needs help to doff gear and board boat.  Says he's
>extremely fatigued.  Has a severe headache.  Is complaining of nausea. 
>A quick 5 minute neurologic exam shows extremely slow reaction time and
>nystagmus of the eyes.  I doppler test the diver.  The doppler is
>SCREAMING ...  We STRONGLY suggest Diver A get on oxygen - NOW!  Diver
>declines at first but then sits down and starts breathing O2 from their
>deco gas bottle 5 minutes later.  I then suggest he LIE down, not sit
>up.  Diver again declines.  Nearly 4 hours post dive (and off the boat),
>diver A is bubbling Grade 2~3, and still symptomatic.  I privately
>suggest he seek treatment.  Diver A declines.  I then suggest he at
>least get back on O2.  He declines.  I then suggest he not dive
>tomorrow.  He declines at this time.  His denial excuses were classic
>text book.
>      Diver B (threesome Dive team leader), surfaces, feels fine. 
>Fifteen minute post-dive doppler test shows, grade 4 bubbling (which
>represents well in excess of 1000 or more bubbles per minute detected in
>the veins).  I suggest he get on O2.  Diver accepts willingly. I then
>suggest he lie down, and not sit in a head up position.  He declines. 
>He says, "I guess we didn't do enough deco huh?"  I respond with raised
>eyebrows and say "Gee, ya think?".  After a few minutes on O2, Diver B
>complains of pain in his lower spine.  I start to ask a few questions. 
>He dismisses the obvious diagnosis and says " must be caused from
>the cold steel backplate against my kidneys."   I give up, this is
>moronic. It becomes apparent later that evening that this diver does not
>have one iota of a clue as to any mixed gas decompression procedures or
>even HOW to cut a decompression table.  This diver is a trimix
>instructor, and an instructor trainer.  Diver A, and C are his
>prodigies.  Next morning Diver B complains of worsening symptoms and
>complains of a few new ones... Diver B, prepares his gear for the
>morning dive, blissfully in his own world of denial, pain, and
>      Diver C, an extreme lean female, and #3 diver in team one; upon
>surfacing, has lost all hand dexterity from the cold water immersion and
>must be de-kitted and undressed by others.  Diver C displays pail blue
>lips, pale facial colour and has uncontrollable teeth chatter and whole
>body shivering.  20 minute post-dive doppler test shows Grade 1
>DIR Dive team 2, (Divers D,E and F)
>      Diver F, smells Diver D's bottom mix before gearing up, and says,
>"Oh my God, it smell like a BBQ.",  Dive buddy D smells the mixed gas
>and says, "Yeah, it does, it should be OK though..."  They decide to use
>the mix.  Diver F, did _their_ gas blending.  
>      All three divers require help getting dressed, and require help to
>don their gear.  All was done bare handed, no gloves.  Diver D's primary
>regulator starts free flowing when they turn on their tanks.  Five
>minutes of mumbling, grumbling and fidgeting seems to have solved the
>problem.  Diver D, tells everyone that it was "a valve problem in the
>regulator". Me thinks, "what the FUCK are you talking about???"  NONE of
>the Divers in team 2 do a pre-dive leak test upon entering the water.
>NONE of them check their team-mates for anything.  NONE of them reviewed
>a dive plan (if they even had one) before the dive.  
>Approximately 6 minutes into Team one's first dive, at a depth of
>approximately 260 ffw, Diver E's primary HID light fails.  Diver E pulls
>out a $15.00 backup light with double A batteries (Barely enough light
>to read ones gauges).  All three CONTINUE the dive.  Within 2 minutes,
>Diver E is hung up on rigging on the port side stern, in his manifold
>because he didn't see the rigging mess.  Diver D gets Diver E untangled
>but subsequently gets tangled up.  Diver F is off somewhere taking video
>and is apparently unaware of what's transpiring.  They get untangled,
>but run out of time and end the dive.  Diver D, reports that the the
>dive was "unnerving".
>Diver D, surfaces from dive with extreme head-ache, blue lips ... Diver
>D, blames it on the cold water, CO2 blah, blah, blah.  My colleague
>suggests to Diver D to go on oxygen...their response..."fuck-it".  Both
>Doppler and neurologic tests are declined by Divers D and F.
>Diver E, upon surfacing, feels fine save the usual moaning and groaning
>when exiting an ice-cube dive.  20 minute post-dive doppler test reveals
>diver has extreme decompression stress.  Diver starts to complain and
>reveal expected symptoms.  Examination of the usual turns up nothing. 
>Later that evening, Diver E tells me that when Diver F was mixing his
>bottom mix, he accidentally overfilled his tanks to 3900 psi from the
>compressor, instead of the intended 3300 psi.  They bleed the tank back
>to 3300 psi, and Diver E (a Phd and a chemistry professor at an Ohio
>University), asks the Blender (Diver F) if the helium and oxygen in the
>mix would still be ok.  Diver F tells him "sure, no probs...minor
>variance..." and Diver E accepts the mix, as is.  Diver E asks me, "Do
>you think that might have been the problem?" My eyes could not get any
>wider, and with eyebrows raised, and contorted face I asked him, "Is
>this the fucken twilight zone?"  He looked at me straight faced and said
>he didn't get it.
>Day 2 highlights:
>Divers A and C of team one don't dive on day two -- One reports bad
>sunburn.  Teams get modified.
>Diver B, decides to use the same decompression schedule, but this time
>he's gonna shave a few minutes off the bottom time.  Anyways, he gets
>spooked on the bottom, about 10 minutes into the dive, abandons his team
>mate(s).  We were the first team in that morning and I'm already 55
>minutes or so into decompression and I can see Diver B soloing the deco
>below me.  At one point he struggles to unclip his deco regulator which
>he's contorted in some fucked up manner to the tank valve, and is
>getting visibly distressed.  My buddy descends, asks if everything is
>"OK".  Does not get an "OK" back.  OK is asked again, and Diver B
>responds with a salute.  Assistance is offered, but Diver B manages to
>deploy the deco regulator and ascend.
>Needless to say, Diver B reports, back on the surface that physically,
>he felt great at depth.  NO MORE PAIN!  So we ask, "Gee, I wonder why
>that is?".  He doesn't know.  I have to check my pulse -- its that
>twilight thing again.  It was truly surreal. Diver B's 60 minute
>post-dive doppler test sounds like a popcorn popping machine gone
>crazy.  Diver B is getting fatigued quickly again with 60 minutes
>Later that night we watch video of the days dives.  Diver D, the one
>with the BBQ flavoured bottom mix, is on video for 20 continuous
>minutes, nearly the entire length of the bottom time and never once
>unclips the SPG to look at the pressure.
>Day 3 highlights:
>By this time, I'm seriously questioning my presence with this group. 
>But this is the straw that broke the camels back.
>Diver C has extreme buoyancy complications while egressing for
>decompression which continued on to the staged decompression portion of
>the dive.  NOT one of the divers she is with (Diver A and B), recognize
>her distress.  I can just barely see Diver A and B, on the line, but I
>can see another bubble stream.  I think to myself, "why aren't these
>bone-heads together?"  I descend from my shallower stop vantage point
>and can see Diver C in obvious distress.  She has lost hand dexterity
>once again, and cannot unclip and deploy her regulator.   She's
>struggling terribly from a loss of buoyancy control and her one hand is
>hanging onto the line for dear life.  Her team-mates DO NOT HELP HER. 
>They are oblivious morons. I pass the dip-shit twins (Diver's A and B),
>and my buddy deploys Diver C's regulator for her.  Finally, Diver B
>clues in, descends, and clips a negatively buoyant camera to Diver C's
>D-ring to offer more weight.  My buddy assists and corrects her buoyancy
>Diver C had apparently already lost several minutes of decompression on
>the proper gas and skipped the first two stops  altogether, in a vain
>effort to elicit help from her team mates, who had all but abandoned
>her.   Upon surfacing, her two brain lesioned buddies chastise her and a
>dispute ensues.  She was PISSED OFF because they didn't help her.  There
>was some choice expletives exchanged on the boat and some really
>interesting dialogue that would grow hair on the back of your hands. 
>Quietly, I proceeded with the Doppler tests.  Diver C was bubbling a
>grade 3~4 (no surprise).  Diver B was his usual popcorn popping feast of
>bubble pings and Diver A we never bothered to examine because he was too
>busy lighting up his cigarette, trembling from his nic fit.
>      Sad part of this, is that the 3 worst fuckups in that group (Divers
>A, B and C), apparently dove with MHK last year on the Andrea Doria, and
>apparently, two of them are about to join MHK and Michael J. Blitch on
>their up-coming Doria expedition.  If one of those divers DIE, I will
>not be the least bit surprised.  MHK, I wish you the best of luck!
>Randy F. Milak 
>Windsor, Ontario
>~A conclusion is simply the place where one got tired of thinking!~
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