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From: <HeliumDiver@ao*.co*>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:31:55 EDT
Subject: Fwd: OzTek 2000
To: cavers@ca*.co*,
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In a message dated 7/11/00 4:30:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, HeliumDiver 

> In a message dated 7/11/00 6:43:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, swanncruz@
> writes:
>  > Don't hide behind a BS name.
>  >  Say who you are.
>  Unfortunately, anonymity is requisite in an uncivilized forum such as 
> I prefer not to have my mailbox flooded with invective from the likes of 

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From: HeliumDiver@ao*.co*
Full-name: HeliumDiver
Message-ID: <fb.83e5fe5.269cdddb@ao*.co*>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:30:19 EDT
Subject: Re: OzTek 2000
To: swanncruz@ta*.ne*.au*,
CC: JJ@gu*.co*, cavers@ca*.co*, mcmillan_knit@on*.ne*.au*, trey@ne*.co*,
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In a message dated 7/11/00 6:43:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
swanncruz@ta*.ne*.au* writes:

> Don't hide behind a BS name.
>  Say who you are.

Unfortunately, anonymity is requisite in an uncivilized forum such as this.  
I prefer not to have my mailbox flooded with invective from the likes of you.

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