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Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 11:22:54 -0700
From: Andrew Voss <webmaster@mb*.to*>
Organization: Monterey Bay Dive Center
Subject: DIR Demo in Monterey, CA.

The Doing It Right (DIR) approach to diving is a complete system
integrating equipment, techniques, training, and attitude into a
holistic approach designed to maximize safety and comfort. The Monterey
Bay Dive Center is pleased to present a demonstration of this philosophy
which will be hosted by Mr. Michael Kane, a long-time and outspoken
proponent of the system. Mr. Kane will be speaking on effective gear
configurations, appropriate dive planning and execution techniques, and
sources of further training and information. The course will run over
the weekend of the 17th and 18th of June in Monterey. DIR equipment
featuring backplate/wing systems by Halcyon will be available for loan
during the event for in-water evaluation.

DAY 1: Beach Demo/Diving
Where: San Carlos Beach, Monterey. There will be a tent and signs
For directions, go to:
When: Saturday, June 17th, 10AM-5PM
What: In depth presentation on the DIR/Halcyon gear configuration,
followed by opportunities to ask questions and check out equipment for 
use at the Breakwater and San Carlos Beach. BBQ to commence around noon. 
All are welcome, gear checkout is limited to a first-come first-served 
basis; you may be asked to return the gear after one dive if there is
Cost: Free

DAY 2: Morning/Afternoon DIR Boat Trip
Where: Boat loads at K dock in Monterey Harbor
When: Sunday, June 18th. Boat departs at 7 AM sharp for morning trip and
12 PM sharp for afternoon trip.
What: Opportunity to dive from the Silver Prince, MBDC's dive boat,
using loaner DIR equipment. Sites to be determined by the prevailing
conditions and the skill levels of the divers aboard. 2 dives, boat will
return around noon for the morning trip and around 5PM for the afternoon 
trip. Two tanks (AL 80s- others available by request and prior
arrangement), drinks and snacks provided. 
Cost: $55.00 per person. SPACES ARE LIMITED. Reservations will be taken 
on a first-come first served basis. 

For further details and information, please write demo@mb*.to* or check
the web at

Andrew A. Voss
Monterey Bay Dive Center
225 Cannery Row
Monterey, Ca. 93940
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