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From: <ScottBonis@ao*.co*>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 01:56:36 EDT
Subject: Re: Q about 02 fill whip experience
To: scottk@hc*.co*,
In a message dated 4/25/00 11:26:39 AM, scottk@hc*.co* writes:

<< In the US, the *only* difference between welding, medical and aviator

02 is the container, and the tracking thereof. Aviators and USP 02 are never

let out to welding shops. Also, the moisture content of each bottle of

aviator grade is tested and logged for moisture. >>

Hear !!!  Hear !!!  I agree 100% and have been trying to tell people this for 
years.  The gas is the same, only the cylinders are different and aviators 
oxygen may have less moisture (to prevent possible freezing problems.)

Take care and safe diving,      The other Scott
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