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Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 10:51:33 +0000
Subject: Re: Iam a Stroke
From: Joel Markwell <joeldm@mi*.co*>
To: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
CC: Tech Diver <>
on 3/19/00 11:53 AM, Jim Cobb at cobber@ci*.co* wrote:

> Who the fuck cares? So far you are just an anonymous pimple on the ass-end
> of techdiving. Useless detritus, farting out mindless bullshit. You cannot
> support one item below with one word of logic. Now shut the hell up or
> contribute something useful. At least Manos has a brain and is using it.


I was hoping that no one would respond to this obvious troll. For someone
like this, being ignored is far worse than being slammed. He relishes the
slam you just gave him.

> Who the fuck cares?

You had it right in the first sentence.

Ignore him.



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