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Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 15:30:56 -0600
From: Eric Stiers <ewstiers@st*.wi*.ed*>
Subject: Re: Oceanic Drysuits

I dove a demo Flex drysuit about two years ago, and didn't have too many
problems other than that the dump valves were kind of slow. The boots were
also a bit overlarge, but that may well have been due to it's being a demo
suit and having to fit as many people as possible. Since I only did two
dives in the thing, I can't speak to it's ruggedness or long-term upkeep.
Finaly, I read somewhere that Oceanic had taken some of the more common
criticisms to heart (i.e. the slow dump valves, etc.) and had fixed some of
the main problems in the '99 version, so check how old it is if you're
buying used. 

I found a few reviews, but they're both kinda old:

Please let me know if you hear any other good/bad things about the Flex;
I'm looking to get a new drysuit myself, and the Flex is a bit of a
front-runner for me since I divemaster for an Oceanic dealer and hence
could most likely get a pretty sweet deal. Thanks.


P.S. A general note to the list: Mike Black (aka Dr. Fake) is a real doctor
- he lives about 30 miles south of me and stops by our local dive club's
Thursday drink-beer-and-plan-the-weekend-dives meetings from time to time.
I can't vouch for his medical opinions one way or another (so please
continue to direct all your flames his way) but if anyone has a question on
divesites around the Wisconsin area, he's most likely been there several
times and under a bunch of conditions. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Bliim" <Steven.Bliim@Mc*.co*.au*>
To: "Techdiver (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 9:19 PM
Subject: Oceanic Drysuits

> Does anyone out there have any experience with the Oceanic Flex drysuit?
> What are they like?
> Regards
> Steve Bliim
> --
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Eric Stiers

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