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From: "Ted Green" <scuba@md*.co*>
To: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>,
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 07:51:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Introduction
Subject:        	Introduction
From:           	Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>

> George, Bill, Trout and the others made me a believer and I read and read
> and read and decided to put my research on a web site for the general diving
> public. At the time I was not a trimix diver and the diving community
> (particularly the NE diving community) jeered, derided and tormented me for
> daring to put into print what I had not personally experienced. But fuck it,
> how many guy's made it to the moon compared to how many built the rocket?
> Fuck them, I say.

      As I was the one who started the avalanche that landed on 
you, let me make it perfectly clear that we jumped in your shit not 
because you were one of the rocket builders. You were tormented 
for misleading people in the belief that you had flown rockets when 
in fact you were still buzzing the launch pad in a Cessna. People 
were pissed at you because they thought that they were getting 
information from a experienced trimix diver not a parrot. After all, 
isn't that why you listened to George?

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