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Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 01:08:04 -0500 (EST)
From: William Smithers <will@tr*.co*>
To: ST <rathgar@ne*.co*>
cc: Tech Diver <>
Subject: Re: Z Plan Download

On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, ST wrote:

> If some one has a copy of Z Plan for W95 would you be so kind as to E-mail me
a copy. I have tried unsuccessfully many times to download this file from the Z
Plan web site without success.


Hmm, I'm not sure why that is.  I'm currently off the US mainland,
and after reading your post, successfully downloaded the package
via an admittedly rinky-dink ISP.  

It seems that for some reason I've never been able to figure out,
about 5% of people have problems downloading the software.

Please try again - if it continues to be a problem, email
me privately, and I'd behappy to get ayou a copy of the
installation file.



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