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Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 22:15:09 +0000
To:, Scuba-uk@dr*.ne*,
     Inspiration Mail List
From: John Thornton <Johnpt@sc*.co*>
Subject: For Sale-Digital Camera and housings
One  Amphibico MV-1 housing, (100m)
One Canon Digital MV-1 digital Camcorder
One Wide angle lens for above

All five months old , new cost 2400 pounds
Will sell for 1500 pounds

One Sea Pro Housing (100m) For Panasonic DX100 or DX110 digital cameras
New price was 1500 Pounds, sell for 750 Pounds

All in excellent condition

John Thornton
john thornton          web page

iantd trimix instructor,      skipper/owner "Karin"
inspiration instructor

polrudden house               tel.01856 874761
peerie sea loan               fax 01856 870950
orkney kw15 1uh

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