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To: ststev@un*.co*
Subject: Re: risk/benefit analysis (was Re: drivelling ofscuba gear)
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:36:52 -0500
From: Richard Lister <ric@gi*.ge*.ed*>
I'm interested in people's opinions on instructional situations,
where one is by definition breaking rule #1. A friend of mine had
the following situation a few years ago, diving with an
inexperienced student in ~20-30m he had a 1st stage free-flow.
When he attempted to share with the student she panicked and
fought him off. He could have elected to blow and go from that
depth, but instead chose to breathe the free-flow and stay rather
than leave a panicked and possibly narced student behind. He calmed
her and they made a controlled ascent, but he suffered a minor
stretched lung as a result. I believe he now religiously dives
H-valves with singles.

Maybe a (side-mount) pony is useful in these situations that
really don't warrant doubles but where one has an extended obligation
to one's inexperienced buddy. I used to dive a pony when divemastering
in order to reduce my reliance on student buddies.



Richard J Lister
Georgetown Institute for Cognitive and Computational Sciences
Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20007, USA
Phone: +1 202-687 2878.
Email: ric@gi*.ge*.ed* 
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