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From: <kirvine@sa*.ne*>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 01:32:00 -0400
To: Andrew <andrewg@fi*.co*>
CC: Bill Mee <wwm@sa*.ne*>, scubait@ix*.ne*.co*,,
     clw5232@ga*.ac*.fs*.ed*, rose@cs*.sc*.ed*, cavers@ca*.co*
Subject: Re: Drager Dolphin/Atlantis - RBs and Technical Diving
Andrew, how about his best comment of all , " recreational rebreather". 
You were really right about this guy - he is one of the worst of the

Also, can you recommend a good dentist to this stroke?

Andrew wrote:
> Garrett
> I recently read an article in the Northwest Dive News about you and your
> training philosophy. Please explain the hypocrisy
> *******************
> Quoted from the article published Aug 1999, in Northwest Dive News entitled:
> ' Drager Dolphin Rebreathers- A Breath of Fresh Air'--
> "Garrett eventually became interested in technical diving. He was drawn to
> technical diving, not as a thrill seeker, but as a diver seeking discipline
> and proper techniques in diving. Garrett says, " I have never done a dive I
> haven't trained to do."
> He says that rebreather diving is essentially an extension of the discipline
> of technical diving. "Divers really have to want to do this for the sheer
> quest of perfection and discipline. Divers who have reckless attitude really
> shouldn't do this. " You must be disciplined, train to each level and use a
> building block approach. "
> Later in the article his victim states: " My dive began with a 45 minute
> briefing on the rebreather. We discussed the components of the system and a
> little about the theory of how things work. I am not going to get in to it
> here because, frankly, I don't remember a thing. We talked a little about
> Nitrox theory. We also discussed keeping the inside of the unit dry. After
> we finished getting ready, I signaled for the descent. "
> *********************
> The situation is that all of the talk about discipline, training and proper
> techniques you discussed in the first part of the article is just
> that...Talk. The reality is, you took an unqualified diver (read his own
> words: "...frankly, I don't remember a thing...)on an openwater rebreather
> dive for publicity. .
> "Reckless attitude".-----Professional scuba instructors, dive operators and
> leaders have kept recreational diving safe by living the very words that
> Garrett mouths in the article. We face an attitude of "instant
> gratification" from the consumers of the world, that we can not always
> satisfy due to the very demands that safety puts on a diver. I'm sure
> everybody would like a chance to try out a rebreather before they committed
> the time and money into training and buying one. Personally, I'd like to
> take a jet fighter for a spin. Granting either of these desires is reckless
> and unsafe. Period.
> Garrett, you are reckless in allowing people to think and to go on a
> rebreather dive with only 45 minutes of .... "All it takes is 45 minutes of
> their time to learn to dive a Rebreather for the first time.?"
> As for the author and new rebreather diver in the article, Rick, who
> "...must have looked cool with all that techy (sic) gear on, I sure felt
> cool.....They looked over at me like they thought I was cool too. I didn't
> tell them that it was my first time." , he has the typical attitude of the
> uninformed. Ask him what were the dangers of hypoxia, what would cause them,
> what would the sign be? None of these can be answered (read his own words:
> "...frankly, I don't remember a thing...)
> Andrew
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bill Mee <wwm@sa*.ne*>
> To: <scubait@ix*.ne*.co*>
> Cc: <kirvine@sa*.ne*>; <>;
> <clw5232@ga*.ac*.fs*.ed*>; <rose@cs*.sc*.ed*>; <cavers@ca*.co*>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 8:58 AM
> Subject: Re: Drager Dolphin/Atlantis - RBs and Technical Diving
> >Garret,
> >
> >I'll ignore your mealymouth whining  and cut to the chase.  One of the
> >biggest problems many people have with people like George, myself and now
> >you, is the hyperbole vs information ratio.  What they do not object to is
> >the transfer of useful, factual, information which may in the long haul
> save
> >their lives.
> >
> >You are name calling and spewing insults and avoiding discussing the issue
> >here.  Let's refocus and put aside the polite introductions. The issue is
> >the Drager and the design flaws inherent to this particular device, which
> >could result in yours (or probably somebody else's, like a students) life
> >being shortened.  If you think this is bs then we can simply review the
> >handful of fatalities and accidents which have occurred over the last two
> >years on a case by case basis.  The point is that many people on techdiver
> >will eventually consider using rebreathers.  While this was probably not
> the
> >case several years ago, it certainly is now,what with the huge increase in
> >the numbers of people engaging in so called "technical diving".  I expect
> >that the numbers of people showing up on offshore dive charters with rbs to
> >increase significantly.
> >
> >Thus, it is worthwhile to discuss the pros and cons of rebreathers in
> >general and the strengths and weaknesses of specific devices on this forum
> >for the benefit of all.  A year ago this would have drawn lots of yawns,
> but
> >times have changed.
> >
> >The expense and gas logistics of offshore technical diving coupled with the
> >availablity of affordable rebreathers make the use of rbs an attractive and
> >tempting proposition. It is my opinion that the risk to reward ratio of
> >these things must be very carefully considered before making the jump into
> >the deep blue. The fact is that most rb dives are better off being done on
> >open circuit, but leave that issue to a later discussion.
> >
> >Just to jog your memory a little bit I will take the liberty to reprint the
> >text of George's response to a certain Paul Davis (employee of Drager?)
> >which evolved out of a discussion of Henry Kendall's death on a Cis Lunar.
> >The subject matter was "Natural Causes".  The term "natural causes" is
> often
> >used in describing the cause of death in rebreather accidents.
> >
> >People on Techdiver need to become familiar with the lexicon of
> rebreathers.
> >Terms such as "Natural Causes", "Diabetes" and "Diver Error" are a good
> >starting point. Perhaps you can add something to the knowledge base.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >
> >Bill
> >
> >
> >Kirvine Wrote:
> >
> >Paul, don't tell me you guys still manufacture that piece of shit? I
> >guess your post below is inspired by Richard Nordstom's lie that nobody
> >had ever been killed using a Cis Lunar rebreather. Maybe you or Norstrom
> >could give me Ian Rollin's phone number so I can call him up and see how
> >he is doing? I bet I could find him having lunch with Generalissimo
> >Franco.
> >
> >It seems that rebreather manufacturers have been emboldened by the
> >recent aquittal of Clinton on perjury charges. After all, what is
> >"death". Death, like "sex" is obviously subjective. Ian Rollin's death
> >apparently is like Clinton's sex - just a little head.
> >
> >We all know that there have been deaths on the Atlantis, that there have
> >been injuries on the Atlantis, and that there have been accidents on the
> >Atlantis. How about the British Secret Service agent brain damaged in
> >Hawaii on an Atlantis? Just a little head?
> >
> >Listen, Mr. Bullshit, the Atlantis is the single worst peice of crap I
> >have ever seen :
> >
> >1) the mouthpiece has some wimpy valves in it that curl
> >up and give you a real nice hypercapnia experience when you need to
> >breath hard.
> >
> >2) The counter lung would makes a cheap BC look bad - this
> >thing is as flimsy and ill thought out as it gets. It chafes all over
> >the cover, and is poorly contained.
> >
> >3) The orifice system is so stupid
> >as to be criminal in my opinion. The concept of varying gas supplies way
> >above  what could be breathed on open circuit according to orifice and
> >depth is beyond the pale stupid and shows that you guys know nothing
> >about diving.
> >
> > 4) The way this cheeseball works is extremely dangerous -
> >when the gas supply runs out this thing continues on to breath like a
> >CCR without aaddition with no warning. The loop gets depleted of oxygen
> >and it's lights out. It took me one dive in the pool on this to find
> >that out, and I never put one on again, and never looked further to see
> >what other horrors this atrocity contains. Maybe the others how have had
> >one of these could fill us all in.
> >
> >I am supprised this thing is not sold in K Mart or at Seven Elevens, or
> >on late night TV with the vegetable steamer and the Ginshu knives.
> >
> >
> >Paul Davis wrote:
> >>
> >> Bill,
> >>
> >> I often find it interesting that whenever a death is mentioned on
> >rebreathers
> >> the mud starts to fly at the Atlantis unit and I go down this path all
> the
> >> time? On what do you base this information? If you have knowledge, then
> >please
> >> share it openly on the forum. If you are working on hearsay then please
> >check
> >> you sources.
> >>
> >> Paul Davis
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Garrett Weinberg <scubait@ix*.ne*.co*>
> >To: Bill Mee <wwm@sa*.ne*>
> >Cc: kirvine@sa*.ne* <kirvine@sa*.ne*>; rebreather@nw*.co*
> ><rebreather@nw*.co*>; <>
> >Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 6:35 PM
> >Subject: Re: Fw: Drager dolphin
> >
> >
> >>What do we have here - spokesmouth (Volker), then dumb and dumber? Who are
> >you
> >>going to roll out next?
> >>
> >>I didn't start this shit off and I don't have to defend the Dolphin
> against
> >>close minded fools who have already reached conclusions without facts.
> >Draeger's
> >>record speaks for itself.
> >>
> >>You want to voice your opinion about the Drager - go right ahead. It
> >was/is/and
> >>will remain a free country and nothing George says or does to try to force
> >>everyone into his way of thinking is going to change that fact.
> >>
> >>l will also state my experiences on the Draeger whenever and wherever I
> >feel
> >>like - neither you, nor Dan (aka the mouthpiece with no brains) nor George
> >are
> >>going to "insult" me or intimidate me. My comments and opinions on the
> >Dolphin
> >>(and the Ray) are based upon my experience not innuendo nor hearsay.
> >>
> >>I'm willing to respect that fact that you have a lot of hours on a
> >rebreather
> >>that works for your mission - why can't you do the same with other people
> >and
> >>other rebreathers and other missions.
> >>
> >>I'm willing to respect the fact that the MK 15.5 works for Kevin in his
> >missions
> >>- it just doesn't work for most recreational divers.
> >>
> >>I'm willing to respect the fact that the Lar V works for the military - it
> >just
> >>doesn't work for most recreational divers.
> >>
> >>IMHO, the Dolphin does and does it well for recreational divers -
> >especially if
> >>they are well trained.
> >>
> >>You seem to be willing to accept the fact that the world has Chevy's,
> >Fords,
> >>Toyotas, etc. and people make buying decisions based upon need and
> >economics.
> >>Why, when we enter the world of scuba diving are we forced to do it your
> >way or
> >>be labeled strokes. Why the fuck are you unwilling to accept the fact that
> >>rebreathers are also purchased on the basis of need and economics. Only
> you
> >want
> >>to force people into the single alternative that you believe in - I
> thought
> >>there was a government that collapsed a few years ago because it was
> bassed
> >on
> >>"no freedom of choice".
> >>
> >>And, last and truly last, it seems to me that the whining and falsehood
> >>manufacturer was George.
> >>
> >>If you feel like making up some other falsehoods, go ahead. Neither you
> nor
> >>George not any of your syncophants have been in the water with me. Thus, I
> >>accept the comments from George of me being a stroke as just another
> series
> >of
> >>bullshit statements from the mouth that roared.
> >>
> >>
> >>Bill Mee wrote:
> >>
> >>> Garrett,
> >>>
> >>> More to the point.  You seem to be quite proud of your experience with
> >the
> >>> Drager, which as we all know is an SCR. I am sure that you are aware
> that
> >>> the Drager ranks right up there with the Inspiration in the deaths and
> >>> serious injury department.  Perhaps, rather than whining about George,
> >you
> >>> could explain to us why this is?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>>
> >>> Bill
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Garrett Weinberg <scubait@ix*.ne*.co*>
> >>> To: kirvine@sa*.ne* <kirvine@sa*.ne*>
> >>> Cc: rebreather@nw*.co* <rebreather@nw*.co*>;
> >>> <>; wwm@sa*.ne*
> >>> <wwm@sa*.ne*>
> >>> Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 2:10 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: Fw: Drager dolphin
> >>>
> >>> >George:
> >>> >
> >>> >The funny thing is that I placed an order with Halycon about two hours
> >ago
> >>> for two Pony
> >>> >Mount Systems (Item Number HAL-ACC-PS) for one of my custoemrs. The
> >funny
> >>> thing is that
> >>> >the order was accepted and I was not purchasing it as a retail customer
> >but
> >>> as a dealer.
> >>> >
> >>> >So we know that you lie.
> >>> >
> >>> >Perhaps you also lie about drugs or maybe you did so much that drug
> >>> flashbacks are an
> >>> >accepted part of your life.
> >>> >
> >>> >I can't think of any other reason for the simple fact that I am a
> >Halycon
> >>> dealer cannot
> >>> >penetrate your thick skull.
> >>> >
> >>> >Again, you lie.
> >>> >
> >>> >Smoke cigarettes constantly? Not in the last twelve months.
> >>> >
> >>> >Again, you lie.
> >>> >
> >>> >Enough of your bullshit. You are a bully and the only way you can win
> >>> arguments is
> >>> >through lies and falsehoods and brow beating. I'm tired of you and
> tired
> >of
> >>> wasting my
> >>> >time dealing with an idiot like you.
> >>> >
> >>> >Here are the my final comments on this thread:
> >>> >
> >>> >(1) I am a Halycon dealer - unless RMC posts something to the contrary.
> >>> >(2) I stated that all rebreathers are designed for a specific mission.
> >Does
> >>> anyone
> >>> >seriously disagree with this comment?
> >>> >(3) George Irvine lies.
> >>> >(4) I have never dove a Halycon rebreather. I have never stated that I
> >dove
> >>> a Halycon
> >>> >rebreather.
> >>> >(5) I pay for my own gear.
> >>> >(6) Dan Volker can stop hiding in the woods. His cur dog George has
> more
> >>> guts than Dan.
> >>> >I didn't say that his cur is smarter or more honest - just has more
> >guts.
> >>> >
> >>> >Good night gracie and make certain that the door don't hit you on your
> >ass
> >>> on the way
> >>> >out.
> >>> >
> >>> >Katherine Irvine wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> >> Garret, the fact is YOU ARE NOT a Halcyon dealer. The fact is I do
> not
> >>> >> use drugs of any kind, and have not for decades.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> You , on the other hand, are in fact a broke dick nothing, who smokes
> >>> >> cigarettes constantly to the point where your rotting teeth are
> >stained
> >>> >> the color of your asshole, and your foul breath is enough to gag a
> >>> >> magot.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> You are a pathetic excuse for a cadaver, let alone a human being, you
> >>> >> are a two bit dive instructor who is constantly trying to schnorr
> gear
> >>> >> and deals from anyone, and it is a tribute to Draeger that they have
> >you
> >>> >> "on board". This should serve as an advertisement to anyone who looks
> >>> >> that this is what they DO NOT WANT.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> You are a power of the worst example in our sport, and a well-known
> >>> >> stroke. By the way, yuo must have me confused with Tom Mouth's son.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Garrett Weinberg wrote:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > George:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Engage your brain (or are you suffering from a cocaine flashback
> >that
> >>> temporarily
> >>> >> > disengaged your cognitive powers) and get your facts straight
> before
> >>> you - like
> >>> >> > Dan Volker - run your mouth off.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (1) It was inevitable that you would spew forth with your comments
> >>> after Dan got a
> >>> >> > spanking. It was never a question of "if" but rather a question of
> >>> "when".
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (2) I am a Halycon dealer. You may not be aware of it, but Halycon
> >>> sells products
> >>> >> > other than rebreathers. If you got a problem with me being a
> Halycon
> >>> dealer, I
> >>> >> > suggest that you speak to RMC. I sell Halycon gear and I do so as
> an
> >>> authorized
> >>> >> > dealer and under the full terms and conditions of my dealer
> >agreement
> >>> with
> >>> >> > Halycon..
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > So, your statement that I am not a Halycon dealer is a lie. Plain
> >and
> >>> simple - a
> >>> >> > lie. Are you willing to admit that you "misspoke" on this one or do
> >you
> >>> want to
> >>> >> > get my Halycon dealership revoked so that the next time you post
> >about
> >>> me not
> >>> >> > being a Halycon dealer it will be true?
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (3) I never said that I dive a Halycon rebreather. I never said
> >>> anything about the
> >>> >> > Halycon rebreather. Unlike Dan, I don't knock a product that I have
> >no
> >>> experience
> >>> >> > on. If you can find a statement in my message that hints or
> suggests
> >>> that I have
> >>> >> > dove a Halycon rebreather,  please do so.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Are you willing to admit that you "stretched" the truth yet again
> on
> >>> this point.
> >>> >> > Golly gee George, caught in a second lie - and in one e-mail.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (4) I said that rebreathers should be mission specific. Actually,
> >the
> >>> exact words
> >>> >> > that I used were:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > "All rebreathers are designed for a specific purpose. Figure out
> >>> precisely  where
> >>> >> > and why you want to use rebreathers and then post the question
> >again."
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Please be so kind as to tell me what is incorrect in that
> statement.
> >I
> >>> don't think
> >>> >> > that any rebreather designer/manufacturer - including RMC - would
> >>> disagree with
> >>> >> > the statement.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (5) I own an dive a Drager rebreather. Whether you like the unit or
> >>> not - and
> >>> >> > frankly I don't give a rats shit about you misleading statements (I
> >>> would say lies
> >>> >> > but everyone knows that you never ever lie), but I do have some
> >>> knowledge and
> >>> >> > experience on the Drager. You may not like the unit, the unit may
> >not
> >>> meet your
> >>> >> > needs, you may not like me - none of which really matters - but
> that
> >>> doesn't
> >>> >> > change the fact that for many people, it is a affordable, safe,
> >>> pleasurable
> >>> >> > recreational rebreather
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (6) Why won't Dan tell this group what his experience level is on
> >the
> >>> Halycon
> >>> >> > rebreather. It appears that he couldn't respond about his
> experience
> >on
> >>> the
> >>> >> > Halycon rebreather cause he has none or very little so he let loose
> >the
> >>> >> > foaming-at-the-mouth-ankle-nipping-Ivrine-dog to come to his
> >defense.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (7) Once again, the only opinion that counts in this world is the
> >>> glorious word of
> >>> >> > truth from the master himself. Anyone who disagrees is either farm
> >>> animal stupid
> >>> >> > or a "broke dick instructor".
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > (8) If I have foul breath, it obviously comes from inadvertently
> >>> breathing the
> >>> >> > shit the you spew forth on a regular and consistent basis.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > George:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Tell me the time and date in which to meet at 34th street and
> Herald
> >>> Square. I'm
> >>> >> > sure that Macy's will donate window space while you kiss my ass.
> Or,
> >is
> >>> your
> >>> >> > promise of kissing ass in Macy's window if proven incorrect yet
> >another
> >>> lie told
> >>> >> > by the master?
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > And please, tell you alter ego MrClark96 (or what-ever fake e-mail
> >name
> >>> that you
> >>> >> > lurk under)  not to bother sending me an e-mail threatening to come
> >to
> >>> Seattle to
> >>> >> > kill me. The last time he did this, I offered to pay for his ticket
> >so
> >>> he could
> >>> >> > come to Seattle and kick my but somehow he never showed up.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Katherine Irvine wrote:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > > Weinberg - you have no information of any value to anyone on this
> >>> >> > > planet. You are not a Halcyon dealer, you do not have a Halcyon,
> >you
> >>> >> > > have no buisness discussing it. You have no buinsess discussing
> >>> anything
> >>> >> > > or anyone - you have zero knowledge or experience on which to
> base
> >>> any
> >>> >> > > of your bullshit. You are a broke dick dive instructor with
> >rotting
> >>> >> > > teeth and foul breath who does more to damage this sport and its
> >>> image
> >>> >> > > than most. You are a disgusting disgrace that noboyd woould want
> >>> >> > > representing their product, and the very last in the case of
> >Halcyon.
> >>> >> > > Your arrogance is clearly due to the fact that you feel safe over
> >on
> >>> the
> >>> >> > > rb list with the rest of the fakers and bullshitters. In the real
> >>> world,
> >>> >> > > you don't cut it, and neither do any of them so far to date.
> >>> >> > >
> >>> >> > > > -----Original Message-----
> >>> >> > > > From: Garrett Weinberg <scubait@ix*.ne*.co*>
> >>> >> > > > To: rebreather@nw*.co* <rebreather@nw*.co*>
> >>> >> > > > Cc: Manolito Lopez <manolito@mo*.co*>
> >>> >> > > > Date: Saturday, August 07, 1999 6:09 PM
> >>> >> > > > Subject: Re: Drager dolphin
> >>> >> > > >
> >>> >> > > > >There is only one piece of advice that comes to mind when
> >reading
> >>> any
> >>> >> > > > >statement that comes from Dan Volker - "Don't waste our time"
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >Dan conveniently forget to tell you that the company that he
> >works
> >>> for
> >>> >> > > > >manufactureres and sells the Halycon. Not exactly a piece of
> >>> unbiased
> >>> >> > > > >information.
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >Thus, to keep all things above board, I should tell you that:
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >(a) I teach the Draeger Atlantis/Dolphin/Ray
> >>> >> > > > >(b) I am a Draeger dealer
> >>> >> > > > >(c) I am also a Halycon dealer
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >Having said all of that.
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >All rebreathers are designed for a specific purpose. Figure
> out
> >>> precisely
> >>> >> > > > >where and why you want to use rebreathers and then post the
> >>> question again.
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >Maybe, with a better understanding of what you want to do we
> >can
> >>> give you
> >>> >> > > > more
> >>> >> > > > >meaningful insights rather than the standard Volker dribble.
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >Dan Volker wrote:
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >> There's only one piece of advice that comes to mind--you've
> >>> probably
> >>> >> > > > heard
> >>> >> > > > >> it on TV...."Just Say No" the Drager.
> >>> >> > > > >> Buying an inexpensive death trap is no bargain.
> >>> >> > > > >>
> >>> >> > > > >> Look into  the Halcyon II .
> >>> >> > > > >>
> >>> >> > > > >> Regards,
> >>> >> > > > >> Dan Volker
> >>> >> > > > >>
> >>> >> > > > >> At 01:04 AM 8/8/99 +0800, Manolito Lopez wrote:
> >>> >> > > > >> >Hi guys, I'm very new to the list, I'm not even a
> rebreather
> >>> diver,
> >>> >> > > > >> >however I am planning to get a one this month.  A lot of
> >people
> >>> in my
> >>> >> > > > >> >area has been buying the Drager dolphin, I wanted to know
> >from
> >>> you the
> >>> >> > > > >> >experts what you think of it.  Presently I'm doing my
> >technical
> >>> nitrox
> >>> >> > > > >> >class, I'm planning on getting into trimix a few months
> from
> >>> now.  I
> >>> >> > > > >> >have been diving since 1991 and have 350 dives.  I  live
> and
> >>> dive in the
> >>> >> > > > >> >Philippines.  My only worry is that the dolphin is only
> >limited
> >>> to
> >>> >> > > > >> >recreational limits.  And the other units I know of like
> the
> >>> halcyon and
> >>> >> > > > >> >cis-lunar are way too expensive.  I hope you guys could
> help
> >me
> >>> here.  I
> >>> >> > > > >> >don't want to make  a mistake by buying the wrong toy.
> >Thanks
> >>> in
> >>> >> > > > >> >advance.
> >>> >> > > > >> >
> >>> >> > > > >> >manolito
> >>> >> > > > >> >
> >>> >> > > > >> >
> >>> >> > > > >> >
> >>> >> > > > >> >
> >>> >> > > > >> Dan Volker
> >>> >> > > > >> "The Internet magazine for Underwater Photography and mpeg
> >>> Video"
> >>> >> > > > >>
> >>> >> > > > >>  561-547-9685
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >> > > > >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>
> >>
> >

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