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From: Phi Le <PLe@Se*.co*>
To: "'Stoebe'" <stoeb84@co*.ne*>,,
     "'James Dibbs'"
Subject: RE: Cochran Commander Nitrox
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 00:08:05 -0500
I'll save you the trouble. 

I have used a IIa Nitrox (3-mix one) and a lot of friends have both IIa
Nitrox and Commander computers. They are fine for single dive, or 2 dives a
day on a Saturday. However, when we go on a long live-aboard-type trips
where we do multiple deco dives on consecutive days, they either locked up
or asked for ridiculous amount of time for deco stops (i.e. 999 minutes at
20 ft for example) about the second or third day (i.e. 5th or 6th
consecutive dive). That's when you would need them the most.

The only thing I like about Cochran computers is the Taclite backlighting
feature. It is great for reading the display in low light conditions, but
hardly enough to buy any Cochran computers. They tend to eat batteries like
there is no tomorrow. The IIa transmitter is like a brick... Never mind, you
were asking about the Commander.

Before I bought my IIa (many, many moons ago), I did the same thing and
asked the List for opinion. I had received mix reviews, some hated it and
some loved it. I chose to listen to the people who love it on the bias that
I wanted a new toy. Now I have been on the List for a few years and learned
to recognize the people, I wish that I had listen to the people who know
what they are talking about and save my money instead.

Now, I gave up and just bring a laptop along. Again, if I could only bribe
Will (or anyone for that matter) to port Zplan to Win-CE, I will be one
happy camper :-)


> ----------
> From: 	James Dibbs[SMTP:JDibbs@ma*.co*.au*]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, August 04, 1999 11:50 AM
> To: 	'Stoebe';
> Subject: 	RE: Cochran Commander Nitrox
> Check out the Techdiver archives
> Type Cochran in the search box.
> James Dibbs
> Sydney, Australia
> jdibbs@ma*.co*.au*
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stoebe [mailto:stoeb84@co*.ne*]
> Sent: Saturday, 31 July 1999 3:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Cochran Commander Nitrox
> Could I please get some information on the performance of the Cochran
> Commander Nitrox?  Thanks
> --
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