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Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 07:39:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mat Bloedorn <mbloedorn@ya*.co*>
Subject: Re:
To: bdi@wh*.ne*,
Nicely said Billy you've hit the nail on the head...


--- bdi@wh*.ne* wrote:
> At 10:28 PM 20/5/99 -0400, Capt JT wrote:
> >Mike
> >I agree with you as it is up to the diver as if he
> sees a need to carry it
> >..The only reason this thread is going is because
> one of the WKPP boys has
> >said you don't need a second BT and then someone
> disagrees with him.
> JT, you, Susan, bigbird and others have missed the
> point.
> They can dive with an armload of bottom timers.
> That's
> their business. Who gives a root. But 
> 1) they shouldn't kid themselves that it's DIR.
> 2) they shouldn't try to convince others that it's
> DIR.
> When the personal preference crowd like Susan &
> bigbird 
> mess with the DIR concept, look what happens, they
> start
> spreading and encouraging ignorant idiocy like
> this.....
> >"My understanding is that the DIR method includes
> the 
> >reduction of clutter and the minimizing of
> potential 
> >failure points. Can you really consider a backup BT
> as 
> >clutter, or an additional failure point? How are
> people 
> >configuring this backup timer on their gear where
> it is 
> >considered clutter? I choose not to wear my BT on
> my 
> >wrist, but on a console, clipped on the left d ring
> as 
> >in DIR. Is this extra 4 inches of console clutter?
> "
> This person is now claiming that diving with a
> goddamn
> console is DIR!!!! 
> If susan just wants to say "I dive with a back-up
> bottom
> timer." That's her business. 
> If she wants to tell people that what she's diving
> is DIR,
> she'll get corrected.
> rgds     billyw
> --
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