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Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 22:58:13 -0700
From: S I L E N T I M M E R S I O N <silent@cu*.ne*>
Subject: Re: Abyss Explorer Nitrox
Cc: "Chris Werner" <clw5232@ga*.ac*.fs*.ed*>
Great point, exactly my thoughts.

At 08:49 PM 5/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>It all comes down to planning. If you don't plan out the dive, and hope your
>computer is going to do it for you, you are making a huge mistake. Computers
>allow you to take the easy way out. They give you a false sense of security,
>don't allow for gas consumption plans, expect you to change the gas on the
>fly. No thanks. Even if my bottom timer goes I still have my buddies. How
>many buddy teams all wear the same computer?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Jim Burke <monteach@gl*.co*.uk*>
>> Personally, I don't like the wrist mounted deco computers for any dive
>> encurring staged stops as they can make you sloppy.  The table cutting,
>> planning and deco contingency planning disciplines enforced by pre-dive
>> planning can get easily missed out.
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