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From: <ajmarve@ba*.ne*>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 18:50:00 -0400
To: tleemay <tleemay@ix*.ne*.co*>
CC: Kevin Rottner <Kevin@So*.co*>,
     Techdiver list
Subject: Re: Diver fatality

Well, once again the folks from California have their own special take on
things. I can understand now why they would want to put this somewhere else, but
I still dont quite agree. The point here for me at least is the depth. At one
point all of the major agencies tried to tell us deep air was ok, and this is
just another example of how wrong they are.

I do find all the semantics of this quite amusing tho." technical diving" as if
its so remote. Please. everybody started in ow, with a snorkle and a tank
banger, and they moved down from there. Somewhere around 4 feet or so, at least
for those of us 5'8" tall, diving became dangerous. Now whether its diving a
single tank below the depth you can free ascend from or a six gas cave
penetration four days long, technique is what keeps you alive. This guy violated
a basic law, and my apologies to the NOK, but it was his poor technique that
killed him. And let me make myself clear for the prim and proper crowd, if i
croak myself in a similarly stupid manner, I want Cobb or Sallot or somebody to
point out what I did wrong to everybody, from the cruise boat snorklers to
George Irvine himself. You may not want to look at what this can do to you if
you screw up, but there it is, and labelling it tech or non tech is bs. accept
it for what it is, learn from it and move on.

Al Marvelli

PS for those of you kind enough to care, I spent the last four months in
Birmingham Alabama training to be an insurance weasel.

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