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From: "Dan Volker" <dlv@ga*.ne*>
To: "Sean Cary" <smcary@be*.ne*>,
     "James Dibbs" ,
Subject: RE: Commander Nitrox Conservatism settings
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 14:43:05 -0500
Fill the bathroom tub to 2/3 full and get in with your gear. Keep the rubber
duck in front of you. Keep you eyes on the Commander Nitrox computer. Its
factory defaults are as "safe" as they get in this setting. If it tells you
to switch gasses, you can switch, but make sure your mom is watching you at
all times.

Open Ocean use should be strictly prohibited.

Dan :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: James Dibbs <JDibbs@ma*.co*.au*>
To: '' <>
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 6:19 PM
Subject: Commander Nitrox Conservatism settings

>Hi there,
>My name is James. I am from Sydney. I have just joined the techdiver list.
I have recently purchased a Commander Nitrox computer. Can anyone give me
some suggested conservatism settings to use to remain safe but get some
realistic advantage out of the two gas deco function?
>Any replies would be most appreciated.
>James Dibbs
>Macquarie Bank Limited
>Ph: 9237-6257
>M: 0411-21-35-99
>Email: jdibbs@ma*.co*.au*
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