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Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 15:14:04 -0400
To: "Amy L. Winters" <amy@wi*.co*>
From: Barb & Ian Marshall <marshall@va*.co*>
Subject: Specific OMS Wing problems
I own one of the original OMS double bladder (85# lift wings) with which I
have had a couple of specific problems. First though, I would like to
mention that I went to double bladder system as I do some of my warm water
dives in a wet suit and after witnessing a friend have problems in a cave
when his dive rite wing (brand new)sprung a leak at the inflation hose
elbow. For me, it was cost effective as I only had to purchase the one unit
and my wife can double up by adding my original dive rite wing to hers when
she dives wet. She only uses one and I consider mine overkill when we dive

Problem 1. The primary over inflation and dump valve on the right shoulder
had the pull cord running through a channel to the bottom of the vest. On a
couple of occasions the cord  was held taught  by the bondage cords which
resulted in the dump valve being held open and not allowing the wings to
inflate! Cure, remove the bondage cords.

Problem 2. Similar to above. As the wing started to inflate, pressure would
be applied to the channel, pinching the dump cord  and partially opening
the valve allowing no more air to be added! Cure, remove the cord from the
channel and move the plastic ball to the top.

Problem 3. With bondage cords in place, it was physically impossible to
orally inflate the wings past one or two breaths! Cure,remove the bondage

Problems 4. Comfort. Because of the thickness at the top of the wing
(normal high point), I found it to be a literal pain in the neck as it had
a tendency to push my head forward when I was in my normal horizontal
position! Cure, pinched off the top by adding tie wraps though the two
grommets in the webbing at the top which gives a slight reduction to the
inflated diameter with no noticeable flow restriction.

Since making the above modifications, I have had no further problems and
consider the unit quite serviceable. I have also noticed no difference in
drag or ability to trim which seem to be the key points for having the
bondage cords (I do a fair amount of high current diving). I have also
noticed that although the newer 100# wings still have the dump cord
channel, the cord is no longer routed through it and now terminates at the
top the same as mine. I can only assume  that others reported having the
similar problems causing OMS to make the change..


>At 12:36 PM 23/08/98 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi!  My name is Amy Winters and I'm a new subscriber to the tech list.  
>I do have a few questions - exactly how many people have died using OMS
wings.  The only death people discuss is the one that has been bought up in
the recent threads.  Also, no one has seemed to have answered the question
about whether there is any scientific data to back up the opinion that
"bondage wings are evil".  I realize that personal opinion holds a great
deal of weight, however I would like to here some factual information too.
The reason why I'm asking is because I dive OMS wings and I actually really
like them.  I've never had a problem with the wings themselves (I did have
a slight inflator hose problem - luckily I had my 2nd inflator hose - which
also seems to be a point of contention among divers.)  I hope no one take
offense to this line of questions - I really am interested in hearing about
any problems associated with the OMS wings.  Being a mere infant to the
technical diving world - I do value the opinions of those who have much
more experience.

Ian & Barbara Marshall
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