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From: "David Shimell (shimell)" <shimell@se*.co*>
To: "'Peter Fjelsten'" <tek-dk@us*.ne*>, Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
Cc: Tech Diver <>
Subject: RE: Buddy Lines (was Pensacola Fl death)
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 09:42:27 +0100

Within our club (a BSAC club) we use buddy lines if:

1.	the vis is poor i.e. less than 2 m (~6 feet) and we are diving with
an inexperienced diver.
2.	on a drift dive (where the current would make it difficult or
impossible to return to an entangled buddy).

I have never seen "Europeans" diving with a buddy line as part of their SOP
for all dives.

David Shimell
Project Manager, Sequent Computer Systems Ltd., Weybridge, UK.
Email: shimell@se*.co*

-----Original Message-----
From:	Peter Fjelsten [SMTP:tek-dk@us*.ne*]
Sent:	Wednesday, July 29, 1998 4:24 PM
To:	Jim Cobb
Cc:	Tech Diver
Subject:	Re: Pensacola Fl death


Jim Cobb wrote:

> The solution? The Europeans use a line tied between the dive buddies.
While I recoil at
> the thought of being strapped to "Mr. 2 dives a year", it seems that it
may be the only
> practicable way for the buddy system to
> be something other than the useless or at worst deadly system that is
practiced today.

Not all Europeans (Scandinavians, whom I know most about being Danish
myself) use this
system. Followers of this line (!) of thought, to my knowledge, are
primarily divers
trained within the CMAS system.

As I am originally a PADI trained diver, I have only used this system once
and I didn't
like it. Now, in Denmark, we have few '2 dives a year' divers due to the
general crappy
conditions here.

To dive here (vis: 3-30', temperature: freezing, currents: quite strong and
'nothing' to dive for), you need to be pretty motivated: either you are an
avid diver or
you don't dive at all. In these conditions, you PAY attention to your buddy
- or dive at
you own peril.

The buddy system is a mind set. Use it or get out of the water. It is you
ticket to

Hilsen (Regards),

Peter Fjelsten - "The Original TechnoDiver..."
TekDykningsWeb (Tech/DK):
Dykkerklubben Narhvalen:

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