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From: <Eanx32@ao*.co*>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 09:54:06 EDT
To: NAUI7874@ao*.co*,, errol@ga*.ne*,
     kirvine@sa*.ne*, jjcave@ib*.ne*, dlv@ga*.ne*,
     Divetek@oc*.co*, tom mount@wo*.at*.ne*
Subject: Re: post response from adam weinner wannabe wkpp'er
Allen  first off I am not a wanna be wkpp like you, personally I couldn't care
less about crawling into a hole in the ground.  The only interest I have for
cave diving is blue holes.  If you kept reading you would see that I did sign
my name.  I also stated that if it was me doing the class I would have tried
to talk Jane out of that dive.  Why didn't you?  I also said that I would have
gone back down to try and find her if I could.  Also I was not defending
Dereks actions on that day.  Your response doesn't awnser any of the questions
that I asked.  As far as me be a wannabe wkpp'er now thats a joke  I have no
interest now and probably ever being in the wkpp or part of it.  So I do not
see how you came up with wanna be.   It seems like since the incident you have
been the one that has been playing the role as wannabe or maybe you are now  a
member with all of the butt kissing you have done.  What facts are wrong Allen
I didn't really state any facts about the incident.  Do you mean that you
never did that recreational dive on the Hydro when Jane did it for the first
time. Or is it that as an instructor you  observe the other divers in the
water around you when you are diving for fun incase that they do get into
trouble.  Or is another fact about your so called military deep diving skills
that you have bragged about in the past.  If you are going to flame on this
why dont you say something  to prove that my facts are wrong about what I
said.  I want to know Allen.  What do you have to say?  If Derek did page you
with that number it is sick.  I just stated that he wouldn't waste his time on
something so childish.

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