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Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:47:43 -0400
From: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
To: "Thomas A. Easop" <tomeasop@mi*.co*>
cc: "Tech Diver" <>

>OK fine. But then if the student is so accomplished, why did he dive to that
>depth with the new kit? Because he trusted the instructor, paid him money?
>Didn't he test it out in shallow water first? Plus, there was more than a 
>weighting problem going on during the WPB tragedy.

Unfortunately, Tom, not everybody is a smart a you insofar as researching 
risks on their own. That's precisely why there are instructors to begin 
with. They are, in effect, a shortcut to knowledge. Students are 
dependent on the instructor to tell them when or even if they are ready 
to graduate from the class. If the instructor says they are ready, then 
over the side they go.

Instructors have a strange power over us, we are the product of 
instructors from kindergarten on up. The average student will march in 
lock-step with what the instructor wants. I'm sure there are 
psychological manifests out there which explain this teach/student 
relationship better than I can, but it does exist, I know you've seen it.

Instructors take on a huge responsibility when they pin the "teacher" 
badge on their shirts. They must be ready and able to meet the 
teacher/student implied and contractual obligations or they should not be 
in the business. It is up to the heads of the dive agencies to insure 
that their teachers are up to snuff. If they don't then the agencies and 
their principles deserve whatever fate the US legal system cares to mete 
out on them.

>> In as serious a sport as tech diving, our focus should be on the truth
>> not the confrontation.
>Are we still talking about tech diver list?

Oh yes. Too many people harp about nasty 'ol this guy, or whine about 
"can't we all just get along". Confrontation is good and healthy, and 
rather than whining about the language or bickering, the members of this 
list should read and extract the truths and facts which are uncovered, 
not piss and moan about the method in which they are presented.


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