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Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 22:10:41 -0700
From: rickd1 <rickd1@sp*.co*>
To: KybrSose <KybrSose@ao*.co*>
CC: kirvine@sa*.ne*, cavers@ca*.co*,
Subject: Re: Instructors for "tech" agencies
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I am holding judgment until all the facts are in, but based on what I've seen
so far it looks to me like a huge case of negligence. As a instructor when I
take a student under my wing for instruction I feel a responsibility to the
student to do every thing possible to ensure their safety and well being as
well as proper instruction.

KybrSose wrote:

> In a message dated 5/20/98 8:41:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> kirvine@sa*.ne* writes:
> > Tell me what you think.
> For me its simple.
> By his own admission, He watched her sink and did nothing.
> That is an unconscionable error for an instructor.
> He should have at least tried, there is no excuse for it.
> You come back with what you start with. Its that basic.
> The quality of the instruction is another matter entirely, and needs to be
> seperated out.
> Remember that fireman movie.." you go, we go.."
> He watched her drop and did nothing.
> He should never teach again.
> Al Marvelli    aka  KybrSose@ao*.co*
> --
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I am holding judgment until <B>all</B> the facts are in, but based on what
I've seen so far it looks to me like a huge case of negligence. As a instructor
when I take a student under my wing for instruction I feel a responsibility
to the student to do every thing possible to ensure their safety and well
being as well as proper instruction.

<P>KybrSose wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>In a message dated 5/20/98 8:41:53 AM Eastern Daylight
<BR>kirvine@sa*.ne* writes:

<P>> Tell me what you think.

<P>For me its simple.

<P>By his own admission, He watched her sink and did nothing.

<P>That is an unconscionable error for an instructor.

<P>He should have at least tried, there is no excuse for it.

<P>You come back with what you start with. Its that basic.

<P>The quality of the instruction is another matter entirely, and needs
to be
<BR>seperated out.

<P>Remember that fireman movie.." you go, we go.."

<P>He watched her drop and did nothing.

<P>He should never teach again.

<P>Al Marvelli    aka  KybrSose@ao*.co*
<BR>Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `'.
<BR>Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to


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