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From: DEnig <DEnig@ao*.co*>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 23:01:29 EST
Subject: re:Regulator that will not freeze up Best one? Any Suggestions?
In a message dated 98-03-22 12:07:38 EST, you (Underwater Outfitters) write:

 Stick with a Poseidon Odin first and second or a Poseidon first and a
 Zeagle second.  For everyday diving the Zeagle Tech 50-D Severe is a very
 good reg.  I use mine under the ice  for salvage work and have had it to
 235'.   If you look at the construction of a Zeagle Tech 50-D Severe over a
 Scuba Pro, you will see that it is built better.  The cost of an Atomic is
 outragous at $1290.00 for the Titanium model.  You could buy any reg.
 mentioned and go on a vacation with what you saved by not buying an Atomic.
 Good luck and safe diving.

Lets clarify the misconception of the $1,290 Atomic regulator.
1)Only the Titanium 1st and 2nd stage is in the $1,200 to $1,400 range.
2)The brass 1st stage with Titanium 2nd stage will run you about $600.
   Performance wise either first stage works the same.
3)Poseidons, although very good regulators, are diaphragm regulators and are
   finicky then piston style 1st stages. The Odin 2nd stage requires its own  
   propriatary hose while most others will accept generic replacement hoses at
   substantially lesser cost. 
4)The Poseidon only comes with a 2 year warranty.
5)The Atomic has a longer service interval (200 dives) as opposed to annual.
6) Scubapro comes with a lifetime warranty on parts provided you service it
   The G500/Mk20 will cost the same as the brass 1st/Titanium 2nd Atomic.
7)Unfortunately, I can't give you first hand detail on the Zeagle regulator
but I've never  
   known them to be deep diving regs.
8)Both the Atomic and ScubaPro were designed as deep diving as well as general
   purpose regs. Odins breath a little stiff at shallow depths.
Let me know if you need any info on the Atomic, the ScubaPro or Poseidon regs.
The store I deal with sells (and dives) all three to depths up to 280' on a
regular basis. Wish you luck in making your choices. Safe diving.
Press hard it's 5 copies..............
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