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From: "Ted Green" <scuba@md*.co*>
To: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 10:53:46 +0000
Subject: Return of the Cobber

       Your back! Some of us in private were wondering if the deep 
air boogey man had caught up with you.

    Gee! What a civilized post! Is this a new kinder and gentler 
Cobb? I guess only time will tell.

            Ted Green

> From:          Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
> To:            "DOBSON JW" <DOBSONJW@ao*.co*>, "Tech Diver"

> In my experience-
> * The bondage make it difficult to orally inflate the wings.
> * The bondage keep your center of buoyancy underneath your tanks rather 
> than at the sides.
> * The bondage ruins your streamlining, they create extra drag.
> * The addition of an 2nd inflator contributes to task loading in CF 
> conditions.
> * The addition of an additional inflator hose increases failure and 
> entanglement points.
> * Their additional cost is not mitigated by additional usefulness.
> But I have to admit that since getting rid of mine, the tech groupie 
> babes are not flocking around me as they used to. So I made up for it by 
> strapping 12" pig-stickers to both my legs, gluing a pair of Viking horns 
> to my hood and attaching some fake chest hair to the outside of my 
> drysuit.
>    Jim
> Sender: DOBSON JW  Date: 3/10/98 7:49 PM
> >well it's been a while since i asked the group for a list of the REAL 
> >problems
> >with the OMS wings and haven't heard a thing.  Guess there aren't any?? 
> >--
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Ted Green (Owner)
Tidewater Aquatics (Dive Store)
Salisbury Maryland USA
Master Instructor SSI #178
Trimix Instructor TDI #029
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