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From: "Dan Volker" <dlv@ga*.ne*>
To: "CAPTZEROOO" <CAPTZEROOO@ao*.co*>, <dwiden@in*.ne*>,
Subject: Re: dive contest
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 23:30:28 -0500

>My offer still stands. The cold & rough boat ride are all part of the

Now, I can't say I've done any diving in the NE., but aside from being a
little colder, I have a hard time understanding how your conditions can be
so much more challenging than our winter time reef dives off of Juno and
Jupiter, Fl.    We typically have a surface current running from between 3.5
and 4 mph, with some days 4.5 and higher, when the Gulfstream gets aided by
strong south winds. ....with a bottom current sometimes, and sometimes zero
bottom current.  All of our dives are drift dives, due to the current, and
because of the sheer at the bottom when the lower 50 feet has no current,
pulling the float ball is more problematic. But of course, necessary.
Winter bottom temps here run from 45 to 62 degrees, apparently we get
intrusion from the Newfoundland current , which runs under the
Gulfstream---thus the cold bottom water.
The typical winter weather this year has provided us with 4 to 6 foot seas
on the weekends we've  had to dive, and last weekend we had sets hitting the
boat that were over 10 feet, the ride back in this lasting about 2 hours...
While this is not really bad weather for us---Frank used to run us out in 12
to 15 foot seas with the larger boat he had before this one ( the Bugaloo) ,
with the 6 pack he is using now, we get plenty of excitement with the ten
footers.  If you have worse wave action than we do, I hope you have much
bigger boats... :-)

I'd be interested to hear exactly what is so much tougher in the NE than our
winter diving. If its just the vis difference, many of our deep dives have
been over 20 miles out off of Stuart and Fort Pierce, where visibility is
good at 20 feet, and often as bad as 5 to 10 feet, and I remember a few
dives where we could not see the bottom at 290 until we ran in to it with
our spearguns. Vis in the Stuart /Ft Pierce area is poor, but it has a HUGE
population of 50 to 80 pound groupers and monstrous cobia, 25 pound hog
snappers, etc----a spearfisherman's paradise.  And the poor vis lets us get
closer to the fish sometimes.


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