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From: KybrSose <KybrSose@ao*.co*>
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 23:09:16 EST
To:, Raimo4252@ao*.co*, JDA000@ao*.co*
Subject: Re: northeast tech pissing contest, was unsafe agencies
Hi list,

Well if all of us are going to chime in with our two measly pennies here goes.

I have bought nitrox from Raimo and his crew for about two years now. Dealt
with Betts before that.

 Bob and Rich run a quality shop and I have few complaints( Brian , Brian,
Brian --joke). I know the history of Raimo and the rebreather seminar dives,
well no one is perfect. 

I have seen him warn off people who walked in to his shop claiming  20 or so
dives and wanting to know " how to go real deep, just to be a big man" I
actually heard a customer use that phrase and I heard Bob say in response " i
dont teach people how to go deep just to go deep, you need to do some more

I dont know much else about the man, if he has the secret x files or if he is
just filling my tanks with welding o2 but i dont think so. 

As far as his "monopoly" for a thirty mile radius thats a laugh. There are
several shops nearby, Bielinda is doing mix out of someones garage, Feeny  or
Stingray for nitrox in Brooklyn, Darryl in Lynbrook, Ocean Rock in Bohemia,
Peconic out east, need I go on??

 I think if someone sent you a private letter it should stay private but then
hate mail faxes are another matter. A matter for the parties involved and
maybe their attorneys, not the entire world. 

An certain dive boat captain has told me that you cant get rich off scuba but
you can get by if you co exist peacefully.    

  Please no more emails over this one.


  Al Marvelli      aka   KybrSose@ao*.co*

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