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From: "David Shimell (shimell)" <shimell@se*.co*>
To: "''" <>
Subject: MDE and Viton O-Rings
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 98 17:10:00 GMT

There has been debate in the past about the need for Viton O-Rings in   
equipment in contact with EANx (typically > 40%).  You may be interested   
to note that I was speaking with Midland Diving Equipment (MDE - a UK   
company that sells valves), concerning O-rings for their valves.  I was   
advised that their supplier (Spiro) now says that the Nitrile O-Rings do   
not need to be replaced for O2 compatibility.

Does anyone know of any other manufacturer taking this position?

David Shimell
Project Manager, Sequent Computer Systems Ltd, Weybridge, UK
Email: shimell@se*.co*
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