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From: <CHKBOONE@ao*.co*>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 09:18:29 EST
Subject: Re: Fraudulent posts

In a message dated 98-02-06 22:03:33 EST, you write:

<< I hear ya, Anthony.
 And I agree it takes a certain kind of Man to put up with the pitching 
 boat, undrinkable water, creatures higher on the food chain. Yes, it 
 takes a certain rugged spirit, an indomitable will to handle the tough 
 conditions, backed up plumbing and lousy food associated with diving the 
 Big Blue.
 Yes, it takes purpose and drive to keep your equipment top notch and a 
 cast iron stomach to do the dives we Ocean divers do. It takes courage, 
 balls and fortitude with a good serving of Manly sprit. Yes, Anthony it's 
 easier to do fresh water dives, but it's *exactly that* which turns Men 
 like us away. Away from the little sissy fish, the complete lack of 
 poisonous creatures and boring flat water. We are the kind of Men who 
 relish a challenge and yawn at status quo.
 We are Ocean Divers!

Damn well said matey !  

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum. 
We've dove still waters in quiet holes
and had our fill of their trill and strum.
Go we now to expose our souls 
to the ocean's pounding drum.

Chuck Boone 1998   (the helium years)

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