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From: "Butt Plug" <deepair@ho*.co*>
Subject: Fwd: Re: dead
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 11:06:36 PST

>From scscuba@ao*.co* Fri Jan 16 17:30:00 1998
>Soory Plug, I will read about you in the paper soon!!!!   Rest  in 
Geez, for "tech" divers, you guys are a snide bunch.  All I'm
trying to do is get some personal enjoyment by doing the
diving I (and lots of other people)  like to do, and maybe someday 
after lots and lots more practice and adapting for narcosis and
oxygen toxic effects, do the types of dives that the real 
pioneering guys like Mr. Gilliam do.

What, are you "tech guys" just afraid of gong really deep, or
what?  Is there anybody else out there with some aspirations
at going deep and not afraid of a little narcosis, or are all you guys 
happy staring at the same old corals at 60 ft while you jingle all those 
D-Rings on your $600 Zeagle BC's to impress everybody.

Stanley Morgan

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