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From: Michael Waldbrenner <db8us@ms*.wa*.de*>
To: owner-techdiver <>,
     Jim Cobb , Ted ,
     Paul Harris
Cc: "'Techdiver'" <>
Subject: RE: Diving related question about Helium.
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 97 19:31:00 MET
In germany it is even more expensive (around 200 US-Dollars)
but you drive an "italian car" dont you ??? I guess the colour is red and   
german guy with my first name can drive it pretty good ;-) ???
So sell the crap-car and get the gas....
It will make the diving and the driving safer ;-)

>It's a hair under $100.00 out here in California for the same volume.   
For a
>"surplus" gas it just seems expensive.

At 09:38 AM 11/14/97 -0500, Jim Cobb wrote:
>Expensive if a relative thing. I will bet it costs less over here than
>over there. What's everybody paying for helium out there? In Virginia
>Beach, VA 244 cuft costs $80 and 7$ a month tank rental. Thats a small
>price to pay, if you ask me.
>   Jim
>On 11/14/97 6:28 AM Jeremy Downs wrote:
>>So why the hell is it so expensive then?? (even here in the US)
>>At 08:49 PM 11/12/97 -0400, Ted wrote:
>>>it is produced faster than it can be used at this time simply because
>>>science has not found enough uses for it
>>>excess helium is stored in large tanks in texas just in case another   
>>>ever comes up (or more people wise up and stop diving air)
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