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From: <SamScuba7@ao*.co*>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 16:36:59 -0400 (EDT)
To: bobmajor@ro*.co*
cc:, cavers@ge*.co*
Subject: Re: Nitrox Fraud -
In a message dated 6/6/97 9:01:23 PM, bobmajor@ro*.co* (Robert Major)

<<Dear Sam or Dear Scuba or Dear 7 or whatever you call yourself,

Frankly, I thought Nigel's comments raised some interesting questions
not only about the use of oxidizers but the use of low percentage
helium trimixes for conventional shallow diving.

With respect to fools, your own comments probably would earn you an 80
or so on an IQ test.  Have you sought a professional evaluation of
yourself lately.

Since you seem to know so much about nitrox (it's been around 40
years) why don't you tell us all about the benefits of oxidizers.  BTW
"SamScuba", rebreathers have been around since the turn of the century
and folks are still trying to figure out the safest and most reliable
system configuration.

When you make an obvious thoughtless and idiotic remark like this it
reminiscent of people getting on this list and telling us that they
have 10,000 dives and have been diving for 25 years.  Ten thousand
dives and 25 years and still a horrifying stroke.

My offhanded guess is that you personally are a fat bearded slob with
a pendulous gut and a pizza stained "I dove the Doria" tee shirt.  The
only other person we know of who adopts the same handle as you is a
living deep air cadaver.  Take your pick, asshole.

Sincerely yours,

Bob Major

Seems bob boy has the major brains of a jackass.. the name should be jerk

Such low class.... 

I guess going back to elementary school would be a start.  The comment was on
the use of Nitrox... not the other areas.  Seems that strokes such as
yourself love to jump on something more advanced than the pimple brain can
understand.  I'm surprised that you can use the computer instead of a
unsharpened pencil.

As far as assholes, kiss mine jerk.
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