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Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 12:52:51 -0500
From: s_lindblom@co*.co* (Steve Lindblom)
The folks at Airspeed asked me if I could post this followup, to answer in
one strike the questions that have been asked by a number of list members.

>The book is at this time available only from the publisher. We are sorry bu=
>we are unable to accept credit card or phone orders. We'll accept personal
>checks, MO's or cash as long as in US dollars. Checks should be made out to
>Airspeed, and orders sent to;
Airspeed Press
79 Denny Hill Rd.
Warner NH 03278
>Price including shipping for overseas orders is $22 for surface mail (4 wee=
>to 4 months!) or $26 for air.
>US price is $23 which includes 1st Class/Priority mail.
>Airspeed would like to caution overseas customers that the book is strongly
>rooted in the American system of weights, measures, laws and commercial
>practices, which will somewhat limit the usefulness of some of the info in =
>book in other, especially metric, countries.
>Further questions about the book may be addressed directly to

(not to me!)

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