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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 04:23:40 -0800
Subject: Deco Stuff, was WKPP Back in Action - 3 dives
To: GarlooEnt@ao*.co*
Cc:, cavers@ge*.co*, freeattic@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*
  That was my point of mentioning the minor "bends" hit: that doing a dive with 
the proper deco is the same as going to the chamber, only more fun. If I am 
going to be compressed, I want to see some cave , wreck or reef while I am 
there. My other point is that the software does not adequately describe the 
deco, and the last point was that restricting the blood flow to an area, either 
by uneven pressure or autonomously by getting cold or wet in one area will 
result in bubbles in that area. Most people would call DAN and assume the 
position. Also, a lot of what we get is oxygen bends anyway, and it goes away
minutes, but is equally as painful as the real thing. 

   Hank, I am coming up this summer. I still am having a tough time believing 
that thise lobsters will not bite the shit out of me. Are you sure about that? 
Maybe that is why you always go for the dishes. Come clean here.- G 
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