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Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 00:04:42 -0500 (EST)
From: bipadre@ac*.ne* (Giancarlo Barbero)
Subject: Re: (Fwd) European tank inspections (Italy)
>From:          "Don Eickstedt" <d.eickstedt@pn*.ne*.it*>
>To:            <>
>Subject:       European tank inspections (Italy)
>Date:          Fri, 28 Feb 1997 21:23:17 +0100
>Maybe someone out there with knowledge of how European tank
>inspections ...;););)... Hopefully someone out there from Italy can help me
>out. Thanks
>Don Eickstedt

Sorry for you, but you were told the right information!

I'm italian and I live in Canada. I come here with my italian tanks and I
couldn't get them inspected because North American and European agencies
don't use the same standard. I sent my tank back to Italy for sale.

Italian standards are:
- if new, and you know it, as month and year of production are engraved on
the upper side of the tank, you don't need any inspection for 48 months
- when this period expire, you have to have your tank inspected; normally
diving shops care about this inspection which any way must be performed by
technicians licensed for this
- the inspection is both visual (like the one we have every six month here -
and you get a simply sticker) and with pression (they fill the tank with
water, and then pump air up to the testing pressure which is engraved on the
tank and it is generally a 50% more than the practise pressure)
- if the inspection is OK they print month and year of the inspection on the
paper which must always go with the tank (on the paper there are also filed
serial number, quality test, producer, etc.), and engrave the date on the
tank itself
- this new inspection last for 24 months (then a new inspection is required)
- no inspection is allowed without paper which proof the first one (the one
performed by the producer)
- no fill up is allowed without engraving (so if you got some fill up, say
thank and forget it, it was not due and not allowed)

You can check this at any diving shop, diving club, diving instructor, etc.

If you tell me were you live, I can try to give you some address


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