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Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:08:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Roger Herring <abcr@gn*.fd*.ne*>
To: Cavers List <cavers@ge*.co*>
cc: techdiver <>, wreckdiver@wr*.co*
Subject: lunatics
I just got back from South Dakota seeing a client and spent time in
the great lakes region on the way up.

You lunatics don't really dive in that kind of weather, do you? And I was
told the area was having a "warm" spell -- Jeez. Now them are some lakes!

And I thought the springs were cold. . .

Roger Herring

1439 SE 28th Way
Melrose, FL 32666

Work -- (352) 372-0436  (ABC Research Corp.)
Home -- (352) 475-6276

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