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Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 21:54:25 +0100
From: sigmund.lundgren@ma*.sw*.se* (Sigmund Lundgren)
Subject: Re:3 Sweedish Brothers
>Hi George!
>Thanks for inviting us! We will try findig you at the DEMA. We can stay
>intouch throu JJ,
>or we can give you a call. We look forward to seeing you.
>Take Care.
>Richard  Lundgren and brothers
> You wrote:
>> JJ will tell you when and where we are diving, and you can join us. I
>>want you
>>to come to my house so I can show you the entire setup, and how to get each
>>thing back in Sweeden, what you really need, and what you really do not need
>George M. Irvine III
>Woodville Karst Plain Project
>1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
>954-493-6655 FAX 6698
>Email gmiiii@in*.co*
>Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `'.
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Sigmund Lundgren, SWEDEN
BSTD member
IANTD Tech EANx Instructor, Instructor Trainer
NACD & NSS-CDS Full Cave Diver
IANTD Trimix, EANx Cave Diver
email: sigmund.lundgren@ma*.sw*.se*

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