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Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 09:45:13 -0500 (EST)
From: Roger Herring <abcr@gn*.fd*.ne*>
To: Cavers List <cavers@ge*.co*>
cc: techdiver <>,
     Cost effective home improvement
Subject: first group of photos (fwd)
I'm forwarding this to the lists in case anyone is interested. If so,
please contact Dave (some call him Dale) Mabry.

Dave -- you may want to wait until we shot the additional photos to do
this. Let me know what you think.

Roger Herring

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 09:31:51 -0500
From: Dave Mabry <dmabry@mi*.co*>
To: Roger Herring <abcr@gn*.fd*.ne*>
Subject: first group of photos

Hi Roger,

I have scanned all the photos you sent me and sent the batch to Sean
Stevenson and Jeff Bentley for their web pages.

I have another idea to help the WKPP and wanted to pass it by you.  The
images that will be on the web will be generally middle to low
resolution.  This is to allow the web pages to load quickly, etc.  We
could offer high resolution scans (I've already done them at 400 dots
per inch and they look great!) on CD-ROM.  I can write CD-Recordables. 
The files when scanned at 400 dpi are about 15 MBytes EACH, but with a
CD able to hold 650 MB, that is no problem.

In order to give WKPP $10 for each one, we would have to charge about
$25 or $30.  That would cover the cost of the blank CD-recordables
(about $10 each) and the postage/packaging to mail them.  What do you
think of this?  That way the people could have high resolution
electronic images without spending many hours to e-mail them through the

Just a thought.  Let me know what you think.

Take care.

BTW, my first name is Dave, not Dale.
Dave Mabry     dmabry@mi*.co*
Great Lakes Maritime Institute Underwater Research Team
NACD           NSS-CDS #42872

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