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Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 04:53:33 -0800
From: techvid@ne*.co* (Brown, Christopher)
Subject: Re: Harris martin: velocimeter?
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*

 Harris martin: velocimeter?"

 At first it was a startling concept -- but then I thought "Why not? We
must at least try."

First we put a propeller-beanie on Harris' head. Then we force him to
ingest large anounts of a hops/malt/barley concoction laced with more large
amounts of flourescent dye.

Next, we place Harris in the current -- beanie propeller rotation
perpendicular to the flow, of course. (He can be fixed solidlly in place on
the cave floor by setting large chucks of goethite on him. They're all over
the cave walls and ceiling, easily broken off as we need them, and will
grow back in a million years anyway.) Once he is fixed, we open the p-valve
on his suit and move away.

Then, when the silt has cleared, we can start recording info. The rate of
rotation on the beanie's propeller is calculated against the time it takes
for the trace formula to egress the velocimeter, divided by the expiration
rate of the unit's power source, and volume of gas migration from the trace
formula together with the concomitant expansion of Harris' suit.

Elegent, non-polluting, inexpensive, disposable, easily replaceable.

"Harris Martin: velocimeter?"

I vote "yes!"

"Denta-Snork? Certainly -- reduces 'scrubber-breath'. 'Nuff said."
Rod Farb

Christopher A. Brown
The Technical Diving Video Library (TDVL)
(N.Am. & Canada): 1-800-373-7222
Outside US:904-942-7222  Fax:904-942-1240

Life is short -- this is not a rehearsal.

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