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Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 16:06:49 +0100
To: cavers@ge*.co*,
From: Frederic Badier <badier@cl*.do*.sl*.co*>
Subject: Long (french) Immersion...
Here are some brief news from french cave diving activities. I understand
that some of you may have an "allergy" to frenchies, if so just press the
Delete key or consult a therapist :-)

Sylvain Redoutay, a 32 years old cave diver who dived at -195m in the
Fontaine de Vaucluse last september (see my previous post) did a very long
immersion few weeks ago in a cave called the "Frais Puits". For information,
the water temperature is 10 Deg C (50 Deg F) in the cave. And this cave is
classified as an "anal" dive due to the poor conditions...

Objective of this dive was to train himself for very long decompression
schedule which will be required to achieve his future objectives.

He spent 26 hours and 30 minutes immersed between 6 and 40 meters deep. No
decompression habitat was used. As the objective was not to explore the cave
system, he stayed in the known area verifying that his gear was OK for
future dive...
I think this is the longest immersion made in natural conditions. Any inputs
are welcome??

Sylvain is looking for extreme deep dives and plan to spend over 20 hours in
decompression. I do not have exact detail of his project but i will try to
keep you informed.

I hope it is of interest.

Bonnes Plongees


PS: Georges, This time JP Imbert is not involved in the calculation of
Sylvain's decompression. May be long and excessive decompression is a french
virus! Anyway, you are welcome to visit us. Just Beware of the virus... :-)

                           /     \
                          Ç  @ @  D
               ______.oo0o_ º J º __o0oo._______________________________
              |             \_W_/                                       |
              |        .ooo0     Oooo.  badier@cl*.do*.sl*.co*   |
              |        (   )     (   )          Frederic (France)       |
              |________ \ ( _o0o_ ) /___________________________________|
                         \_)     (_/

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