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From: "John R. Rose" <rose@cs*.sc*.ed*>
Subject: Re: Training
To: 6822.192@co*.co* (Franz Van Der Molen)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 14:57:06 -0500 (EST)
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
Normally, I chuckle when I read  posts like this. However, this is so
outrageously funny that I can't help but ask for more. PLEASE SEND US SOME
MORE!! I have been grading exams today and this has added pleasure to
what has up until this point been a rather boring day!
Franz! SEND US MORE!!!


> You can not braeth the long hose and stage dive. It's quite obvious to me and
> just about everyone else except the "Irvine Wannabe's". Why would anyone have
> a 7' or 9' hose on their stage bottle? They wont, so as a result, while you 
> are stage diving, youre not breathing the long hose. Maybe things are
> in Florida, but out here in California, that's not how we do things.
>If we just take the density of water, and the curve of the drag efficiency, we
> see that a drysuit just makes no sense when scootering. At least if you are
> trying for any sort of distance.
>There are other things you guys just have all wrong. Like the idea that you
> to be an olympic calibur athelete to do these dives. Everyone knows that to
do a
> scooter dive requires no special physical training. And gas diving? The
> american can competantley do recreational mixed gas dives.
>    As for rebreathers being "magic carpet rides", you're bnarking up the
wrong tree
> there. Rebreathers have been around longer then conventional SCUBA equipment,
> they are better tried/tested. Plus they're just safer, when you can have all
> equipment to do some of these dives in a compact case, it just makes better
> I teach all of my cave classes that they should consider taking a rebreather
> from me when they're done, so they can get some experience on the rebreather
> make the dicision for themselvs.
> Franz
> IANTD Cave/Rebreather Instructer

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