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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 18:11:18 -0800
Subject: Re: Scooter Divers Wanted
To: heyydude@pi*.co* (Mr. Dude),
 Dudest, it is true that the sharks like the electric field. In fact is it a 
well known fact. This goes for lights, especially the ones with cords , and the 
diver rite head that uses the handle as the annode (sheer stupidity). 

 When they come on you, shut of the light and let off the hammer, they will
off right away, otherwise they will try to eat the light or the scooter. I had 
one try to do that on the wall at night , but I was lobstering and
so that may distort the data. I did turn off the light and leave the scooter 
off, drop the bag, and he left. Others in daylight roar up on you and then back 
off when they see there is nothing to eat. I have tried chasing them around
it, but once they have it figued out, they wil not believe it again right away.

  Inerstingly, all fish follow it,especially the groupers , and the jacks, but 
you can not look at them or they scatter, you have to keep your eyes pointed 

George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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