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From: "Marc Dufour" <emdx@ac*.ne*>
Organization: 3615-CUL
To: stngardn@ix*.ne*.co* (Mark C. Steingart)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 16:03:47 -5
Subject: Re: Recommendations for Frogs
Le/On28 Oct 96 @ 20:26, vous ecrivites/you wrote:

> I want eveyone who reads this to understand one thing. This is my
> first post to this group for many reasons, the main reason being
> that I never felt that I had anything to say that I considered
> contributory. So I contented myself to hear what others were saying,

Your answer plainly shows why...


>      Mr. Dufour, If there is any bombardment of American culture
> into France, it is because that is what the French people are
> demanding. American businesses operate on a simple premise, supply
> and demand. If there is no desire for a product, do you really
> think American businessmen are stupid enough to make giant
> investments overseas if they are not going to profit? And if you
> answer by saying that we create the demand, I will ask you if you
> and the French people are so stupid that they don't know what they
> really want?!

As I said before, french culture is not easy to grasp. American 
culture, well, the one that is "plastic and cheap" as you so 
rightfully say below, being easily grasped will definitely be on 

Don't say that businesses fill needs. They mostly create demand, like 
Gillette when he invented the disposable blade razor, or american 
carmakers when they invented planned obsolesence and annual model 
changes with the accompaniying brainwash to have people change their 
cars every year.

>        While the comedy of Jerry Lewis was an American Manifestation
> It seems to have become a staple of "sophisticated French culture".
> You think the guy is a genius, we think he's a dork.

Indeed he is a dork. But how can you ask unsophisticated people 
(there are plenty in every country) to do so?

>        Here you demonstrate total ignorance of what American culture
> is. We have here in the U.S. everything in the world when it comes
> to culture. If you want plastic and cheap, we got it and if you want
> the best and finest of anything you can name, well, we got that too.

Oh, I don't deny that. The music of Charles Ives or Aaron Copland 
comes to mind. However, all the world is hearing is Michael Jackson 

> The people here in the U.S. came here and are still coming here from
> evey nation on earth. Why? They can't go to France! The stupid
> farmers are blocking the place up with their tractors!

This is because French farmers don't have half as effective lobbyists 
than the American farmers do...

>        Who the hell wants the government or some stinking snob
> mucking everything up? The essence of democracy is that the
> government keeps hands off. When the Government backs anything
> financially it inevitably tries to exert it's power through that
> medium by the very purse strings it holds. True freedom of
> expression whether in art or film or anywhere else is dependant
> upon the absence of government not it's involvement.

Ah, not trusting the government... A uniquely american trait... It's 
funny, but not many people on earth seem to share your distrust of 

>        Let's take for example just one recent American cultural
> product that you would undoubtedly put in that bullshit category.
> The movie "Braveheart". Now what you undoubtedly see as a film
> which cateres to my basic primitive instincts I see as a movie
> SOMETHING THE FRENCH DON'T UNDERSTAND! Now you are beginning to see
> my point. You are incapable, as a people of seeing merit in
> character traits that you don't possess.So you write it off as
> uncultured and pedestrian.

As I did not see the movie, it is rather pointless for me to try to 
give an appraisal of it.

>       When you cite a statistic, buddy you better include your
> source. and while we're at it, we didn't build plutonium nukes in

I'm sure that the OECD statistics would concur with that, if not 
exactly but at least within several percentage points.

> Libya, Iraq and Iran. But we (the U.S.) had to go in and clean up
> your fucking mess!! And by the way the chickenshit French
> beuraucrats were so scared of offending Qaddaffi that they wouldn't
> even let NATO (U.S.) planes fly over ther country!

There is one thing that France does believe into is that of the 
sovereignty of states. The US only seems too happy to dismiss "some" 
countries that are not up to their expectation of lip-service as 
"bad" and therefore not as worthy of consideration as "good" 
countries. Kaddaffi's Lybia has as much right to respect as Major's 
Britain. Or Clinton's USA.

Incidentally, France will sell full-featured weapons (or nuclear
power plants) to anyone (witness the successes of the Exocet
missiles against British warships or even American ones), and not
only scaled-down lame versions (like the Canadian versions of the
F-18, for example). France does adhere to the principle of equality
of nations, whereas the US clearly does not, as witnessed by it's
completely farcical vendetta against Cuba...

>       You sound jealous because the FACT is English is now the
> language of business and diplomacy around the world. And speaking
> of Bigotry, French antisemitism is notorious worldwide!! Just

American antisemitism is also rampant, too. One of the things that 
shocked me the most was to read in Asimov's autobiography that he 
could not attend Columbia University simply because he was jewish. 
And there are plenty of american clubs who were simply closed to jews 
until some 30 years ago (the same was true of Canadian universities, 
too). And of course, we won't talk about the situation of black 
people in the states.

>      You sound like a socialist to me and if that is how you are I
> am sorry, it is quickly becoming a dead philosophy. My philosophy
> is that I take care of myself and my family, work HARD and make my
> corner of this world a little better for me. If I have something

Well, that's the problem with you guys. In doing so, you generate 
problems elsewhere and don't make up for it.

> left over to give to someone who needs it, that's fine too. But as
> an American I do not have to apologize to you or anyone else and in
> fact you should be thanking us, we gave you back your shitty little
> cuntry after the NAZIS did their little end run around the Maginot
> Line only to listen to your bitching and moaning about how you get
> such a raw fucking deal and how superior you are. Well I have to
> tell you that I'm an American, I live in the best fucking country on
> earth I'm damn proud of it. And by the way, even are wines are
> becoming better than that piss water you Frogs dink over there!!

Well, after such an enlightened tirade, I don't think I need to 
demolish your arguments anymore, as the paragraph above is clearly of 
the bio-degradable category...

------------------ Pour la Republique Francaise du Quebec --------------------
Thanks to American influence, instead of thinking on how solve social problems
or feed everybody properly,the elites of the world only think on how to expand
their wealth, personal power and influence at the expense of other people. Our
children will be happy to live on a planet left in shambles by those "people".

~~  Last dives: still the Aloha, the Effie Mae & the Wolfe Islander, 25 mfw ~~
   This is a long signature; Toto, I don't think we're on FIDONET anymore...
   Marc Dufour - [\] ACUC6 31874 - TDI CD-0197 - 

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