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From: <B.F.Silverback@go*.co*>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 14:10:02 -0800
Subject: Re: Am I a stroke?
To: Jim Cobb <cobber@mi*.co*>,
     "Douglas Missavage"
     "Tech Diver"
  Jim, we all were strokes at one time, even Gavin, even Parker, and especially 
me. I was never stupied however, so never bought a sqaure light, and techniacl 
bc's were well after I knew better. I had computers but ran over them with the 
boat trying to decompress them, etc. - you now the drill.

   A more imoortant aspect of true strokery is one's attitude towards diving. 
Here are a couple of stroke giveawys:

  1) obsession with depth, lying about depth, talking about depth, depth on air 

  2) attitude towards buddy - a stroke is not a good buddy

  3) machoism about dives - trying to prove something

   There are many more
George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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