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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 04:19:53 -0700
Subject: Re: Recommendations for BC?
To: Roger Lacasse <roger@ph*.mc*.ca*>, Jim Cobb
 Jim, looks like it's time for the tree joke. Roger, I always thought you guys 
were some kind of die-hard radicals since you all keep the "je me souviens" 
license plate when you move to Florida, which all of you eventually do, but
I found out that the insurance is just cheaper. Can you get me one of those 

On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Roger Lacasse <roger@ph*.mc*.ca*> wrote:
>On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Jim Cobb wrote:
>> Can you imagine if this class was taught in Quebec? Not only would 100% of
>> the class not pass, but all the equipment would have been stolen and the
>> instructors' dog buggered.
>  What the #&^%@$! relevance of that comment on a diving list? I'd love to 
>see you tell me those words in my face. I don't want to start a flame war 
>but do expect to read an apology coming from you.
> "What does Quebec want", you ask? Well, for staters, that's not it.
>You'll notice that I'm a student at not exactly a radical 
>separatist. Comments like these, though, have a tendency to legitimate 
>their option. I'm a french canadian and proud of it. 
>                                                                    [\]
>                                                                    |
> Roger Lacasse                 "I found the meaning of life!         
> Foster Radiation Laboratory,   It's in the eyes of my wife and kids."
> McGill University,                 Office: (514) 398-7025
> 3559 University street,               Fax: (514) 398-7022
> Montreal, Qc, Canada.              e-mail: roger@ph*.mc*.ca*
> H3A 2B1                    
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George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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