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Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 10:08:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Roderick Farb <rfarb@EM*.UN*.ED*>
To: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.ha*.or*>
cc: gmiiii@in*.co*,
Subject: Re: Recommendations for BC?

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, Richard Pyle wrote:

> On the other stuff, one of the biggest eye-openers at the breather forum 
> was when the British Royal Navy guy said that 40% of their rebreather 
> trainees do not pass the course.  Bear in mind, they are STARTING with 
> perfectly fit, highly disciplined folks.
> Rich

One of the biggest problems faced by the Royal Navy in selecting
candidates for rebreather training is the pool of selectees. They are all
Brits which likely accounts for the low passing rate.  What other nation
can start out the 18th Century owning nearly the whole world and by the
late 20th is relegated to a small chunk of rock west of La Manche. 
Granted, the lack of quality food on the rock played a role, as well. 

> --
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